Monday, August 8, 2016


NOW YOU WILL NEED TO GO BACK to >>>> OLDER POSTS<<<<<<  at the BOTTOM of this one... to see the FIRST SET of POLE JUMPING ATHLETES....   you wouldn't want to miss any of THEIR......      HIGH JINKS


First up is...  Miss EMMA...   let's She how she does...
      AND   ......  OVER SHE GOESSssssssssssssssssssssssss......   Bravo Emma...

NOT to be OUTDONE.... we now have    COTTON...
   OMC.....  look at that Kitten    JUMP THAT POLE....      THERE's a PAWLYMPIAN if you EVER saw one...   
 NEXT UP....  our  Princess LEAH... and get a LOAD of HER jumping skills....     WOWIE...  this gal has Style....    
 Speaking of STYLE....     here comes     RUBY..... Over the Bar....   and headed fur a Right fur one of her FAMOUS  RUBYRITAS, no doubt...              HEY NOW....   no leaving EARLY... to Follow Ruby...  we have MORE athletes to watch...  
 And HERE comes one NOW.....     Ernie...    KEEP CALM....   don't want you breaking ROXY's Concentration.... and just LOOK at her GO.............        OVER the POLE and... the STUFFIE TOO.....          I think Ernie just DRIBBLED a little....     
Anybuddy gotta MOP???       

OMD     LOOK who is up NEXT....   it's   BOUNCIN' BERTIE....       OMD that boy really Did bounce right over the pole...     he is just a BLURR...    

 UMMMMMMM  EDWARD....    we think you need to PAWECT your technique....     Let's give him a ROUSING ROUND of APAWS...  fur the EFFORT.   We say it is GOOD as GOLD...
 NOW we see   ARTY...  getting ready to give us some THRILLS and CHILLS....       OMD   WELL DONE buddy.....    all that training Paid off.
Shall we keep the Family Together?    up next is DORY...          She's obviously NOT gonna let the BOYS show HER up....         UP and OVER Dory...     Way to GO...
 JAKEY....   you did a grand job of POLE JUMPING.... butt we are wondering if you were going fur the GOLD or fur the TREAT???      Guess we will have to let the "JUDGE" Decide...
 AND HERE we have our 24th. Pawlympian....     BILBO....       OMD   would you CHECK HIM OUT......     WE think he has been TRAINING like a TRUE CHAMP to Jump like THAT.
      Bravo Bilbo....    
OKAY...... now we have to wait about 87 seconds while the Judge....    makes his FINAL DECISIONS....      Tick Tock     Tick TALK    Tick Tock...    TICK TALK....   

ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHTY THEN.....     I,  Judge Frankie Furter...  declare that...  the FOLLOWING PAWLYMPIANS  have RECEIVED A SOLID 87 Carrot  GOLD Medal fur POLE JUMPING....  
    Would the athletes Please approach and receive your   .....
 YOU are what MAKES... BLOGVILLE....   What it is....           
WE salute you.... and we HONOR You fur your commitment to FINE SPORTSMANSHIP and FAIR PLAY....      YOU ARE WINNERS...     


My GBGV Life said...

Whoa! You have some serious jumping entries. I'm not much of a jumper, but I did give it my best! Thanks for a great event, guys!

easyweimaraner said...

pawsome bravo bravo clap clap clap! I like Edwards way... that is interesting to jump under a pole...brilliant idea!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Bravo bravo clapping wildly OMCs I had no idea K9s were such good pole jumpers!!
OMCs what form what style we loved the aerial turns too!! what a fun event. I thought the Mayorz were gonna come running through my monitor that was a surprise.
Hugs and FnE a big thank you and kitty kiss for this fun event
Madi your bfff

Marg said...

What a super bunch of such good jumpers. We think this is one of the best events. Sure made the Mom smile. Great pictures, everyone.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM

*cough* *splutter*.. yeecchchhh losing my voice... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Robin + Christmas said...

Nicely done, everyone!

Sweet William The Scot said...

That sneaky Edward going under the pole ~ oh well it is truly about how you finish not how you got there.
Sweet William The Scot

Julie said...

YAY!!!!!We are ALL winners in Blogsville
What a great funs event Frankie and Ernie, fank you fur letting me compete
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD OMD, a gold medal!!! I'm so proud! Listen to that Blogville anthem playing.

Two French Bulldogs said...

I is stuck under the pole!
Edward (& Lily)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ok, Bertie looks like a pro!
Lily & Edward

WFT Nobby said...

Oh that was such fun. The closest thing to a Bouncing event!
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great event!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

There is a lot of talent in Blogville! Pawsome event!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, that pole jumping was pawsome!
Everyone deserves a medal.
Elliot x

pilch92 said...

Great jumping everyone!

Duke said...

OUTSTANDING job, everybody! We hope you can hear our applause! We really enjoyed this event!

Louis the Blogging Dog said...

Congratulations to everyone!! I rruffed this event!
Louis Dog Armstrong

Cowspotdog said...

that was some excellent jumping from everyone :)

Kismet said...

Everyone down 3 margaritas. It's the best defense against the Zika virus.

Murphy said...

The amount of talent in Blogville is just amazing! We got da skillz!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

stellaroselong said...

Oh I had the best time, whoohooo.....I loved my pole and I was jumping.....COTTON

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

YAY! Medals for ALL. That's the best outcome. But the 87 anthems playing at once was a bit loud...Bwahaahaa!

Idaho PugRanch said...

All High Flyers!!!!! Bravo! Yay!!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! Did you see my sweetie Emma do her jump? I scared Pierre when I hollered for her. Everyone did a great job. I wish that mom would let us jump She said something about short legs and long back. Blah blah blah! BOL!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wowzers!!!! Who knew that Blogville had so many champions!!! Congrats to all.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Millie and Walter said...

Definitely a great competition. We love all the Pawlympic events.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

APPAWS!!!! APPAWS!!! Such pawsome Blogville pawtheletes!!

Bilbo is still napping after his jump!!
Thanks so much for hosting such a fun event!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Lin said...

That's pretty funny. I'm sick of the Olympic stuff already, but I like these!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh wow, that was exciting....

Ruby said...

WoooooHoooooo!!!! OMDS, I thoughts I was gonna break a leggie goin' through that pole thingie!!! BOL!!! Butts, I made to my margarita truck and had my refreshments...hehehehe
Everyone looked amazin'!!!!! I thinks Blogville is spoiled with TALENT!!!
You guys did a FABulous event! Thanks for hosting guys and for all the refreshments...*burp*
Ruby ♥

Wyatt said...

A fine looking group of athletes bringing home the gold medals to Blogville!!
Bow Wow! ♥♥

Wyatt and Tegan

sprinkles said...

Whoa, everyone did so well!!! Love everyone got a gold medals

ZOOLATRY said...

Skilled and sweet, amazing and awesome ... whatabunch 'o' athletes! Great job!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Such amazing skills, we are blown away.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Edward. I have used that technique many times when Mom tried to make me jump through the hula hoop.

Love and licks,

Linda said...

OMD This event must have been so fun to watch in person.
The commentary is pawolympic perfect. Good job everyone.
Great job from the judges. All around 87s fur you all.
xo Astro.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, what an amazing group of talented pawthletes! OMD Edward cracked me up. BWAR HAR HAR Great job by all and we definitely all deserve the gold. Thanks bunches for hosting!
Grr and a Sporting Woof,
Sarge, Athlete