Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tick Tock...

Now Folks.... the time fur getting into the 87 Bazillion Fabulous Pawlympic Events....   
WE are hosting      POLE JUMPING...

 You can send your entry to    frankiefurterprice(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Now....TODAY...... we have to take care of DAD.... ALL DAY LONG beclaws MOM is going to the LIE BERRY all day... to do her pawt of the Summer Reading Program....        Dad needs lots of Snoopervisions when Mom is away...   sooooooo we might not be around until EVENING...   butt then we will be wanting to watch the ALL STAR Baseball Game... soooooo we may just boogie out all together...   
    HEY... did we tell you that  the Summer Reading Program THEME is about the PEEPS OLYMPICS?????          Mom was sort of Excited about THAT....    She has been around watching the OLYMPICS...  since the times of the ANCIENT GAMES when they did 'em nekkid.       She is really OLDER THAN DIRT...       So she knows some stuffs about Olympics and stuffs...       WE are Stunned that she can even REMEMBER that far back...   Just sayin.
      She has all of her GOALS and OBJECTIVES written out... fur the three age groups...  and has Activities fur them following her reading to them...   (HOPE SHE CAN REMEMBER where she Put her Glasses)... and then she has a HOMEWORK activity fur each of them...  
    And all the materials and stuffs already DELIVERED to the LIE BERRY.... beclaws...
   OUR....Little Girrrrrl (Aleeah) is due to get a baby sister...  any second now.... and WE get to have Little Girrrrrl... STAY WITH US while the baby is whelped.      WE are very much THRILLED about THAT...
      Butt we digress...   Mom has all that stuffs at the Lie Berry...  along with the DE-TAILED lesson plans... so any... doofus..   LIKE HERSELF... can do the fun stuffs and NOT disappoint the kidlets that are in the Summer Reading Program.   

OKAY????        See you when we can...   around DadSitting an Little Girrrrl sitting and stuffs.
      BUTT send those POLE JUMPING Pics....     there is a DEAD LION  you know.



My GBGV Life said...

We don't really jump, so your event is hard for us. Not sure if we will be able to enter or not, but we will think about it today.

Julie said...

I is gonna haf to fink REALLY hard how I is gonna do this....putting my finking cap on now!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey guys, I have trouble even getting across a pole lying on the ground... but I will sure enjoy watching efurrybuddy else having a go! I just know that your mum will leave those kiddlies with lots of memories from the summer of 2016 at your local lie berry... and a newbie on the way? How wonderfurs! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
(who, BTW, has to wait until July 22 for ST:Beyond...tsk...)

easyweimaraner said...

I hope efurrything works like eggs-pected and we hope you will watch your daddy like a hawk... dad's can do a lot of weird things when the mama is not at home...

Robin + Christmas said...

BOW WOW, I unfortunately don't think I have a pole jumping photo, but I'll look!

My Mind's Eye said...

We are so ready for your event FnE.

OMCs you are gonna be Sitters for that precious little girl and Double OMCs there will be another little girl for your to love too
Hugs madi your bfff
PS Tell mom to have fun with the kiddos

Cowspotdog said...

Dads can be really hard to watch - good luck boys

Matilda the Boxer said...

Sounds like fun and busy times up in Pencil-vane-ee-ah!

Millie and Walter said...

You all sure are getting involved in your new community. Maybe one day your mom can take you, Frankie Furter, to help read to the kids at the library since you are a therapy dog. We bet you will have lots of fun helping to take care of that precious little girl while her new sibling is born.

Kismet said...

You two are awful at pole jumping but you won the limbo prize.

stellaroselong said...

Mom has been trying and TRYING to get a picture of Cotton pole dancing...does that count??/ We would love to have your momma as a teacher, so we bet those kids are gonna love her...how great that you get to have a kid stay all night wif you. stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job pole jumping. It looks like it's 88 feets in the air
Lily & Edward

WFT Nobby said...

Gail and I think those children in the reading programme are so lucky to have your Mom taking the class. It will be such fun, for sure, as well as super well organised. I am not so familiar with these matters but I was wondering if your Mom would be telling the kids about the Pawlympics too? Gail says probably not, as only sane humans are allowed to be in charge of teaching children, and she has noticed that whenever she tries to explain Blogville activities to non-residents, they tend to raise their eyebrows and look at her like she's totally mad…
Toodle pip!

Murphy said...

OMD, sounds like you have a lot going on! Now we have met your dad in the furs so we know you will have a swell time as long as your snoopervise him we;;. And you get to have your little girlie come over? Is she gonna bring treats too? That sounds wonderful. Now, your mom is making homework . . . that is scary!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE once ruined HER wok having an Opening Ceremony for the Olympics with a class...bwahaahaa! sounds like those kids are going to have a blast at the summer reading program.

You watch your dad, especially if he decides to get close to the WATER to fish.

The Army of Four said...

You guys are GREAT at pole jumping!!!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Does it count if you just happen to knock over all of Dad's fishing poles in the garage because you were chasing a rotten chipmunk? But I don't think ghostwriter was taking a picture just then. Drat!

(Still don't have your ear flap photos. I wonder what's wrong? It's the weirdest thing! Maybe if you post them on your doggie blog, we can copy them.)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...Your Mama was around for the nekkid Olympics?? We bet she has all kind f scary stories from that!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

PeeEss..Mama says we will get our pole jumping pictures to you as soon as she gets home with Daddy from drinking wine in Napa

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We don't own any poles. Bummer. I am sure your took great care of your dad while you mommy was at the library reading to the children from the big book of the Man Who Would Not Cooperate

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! OMD! We a.k.a. Bentley & Pierre, a.k.a. The Bayou Boys get to start babysitting our baby girl tomorrow! She is now 3 months old and we think she smells so good! We hope that she loves us like your little girl loves y'all. ♥ Do you guys get to go to the library too?

Duke said...

You guys sure did nail the pole jumping event. We'd best get crackin'!

Anonymous said...

Summer Reading about Olympics sounds like the most fun. Mom and I watched he Olympic Gymnastic Trials. Mom says I would kill it on the balance beam.

Love and licks,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how exciting it must be around your house. You get to dadsit, your mom gets to kidsit at the lie berry, and you all get to littlegirl sit. Plus you are expecting a new arrival and hosting an olympic event. Uh, contestants don't have to play nekkid, do they?