Monday, May 16, 2016

Somethingy we learned after moving to Pencil Vane E Ah

Since we are NEW here we have LOTS (about 87) of thingys to learn about.   Like YESTERDAY when we learned that it could SNOW in Pencil Vane E Ah... even thought it is MAY.

Butt a really AMAZING thingy we learned about comes from 20 miles away... in  MEADVILLE, Pencil Vane E Ah...

THAT is where  DAD's Dog Food ...  was BORN...   and where Rachael Ray now has HER kibble made...  

YES,,,,   WE       Frankie Furter Price    and ....

ERNIE  the ignorant   von Schnitzel   live  LESS than 87 mins. from a FANG TASTIC  Dog Foodables Plant...
 And Welcome Us they DID....    We just Stopped IN and they talked to us and let us look around and stuffs like that...  
THESE next 87  few pics are from the Office area...    they have thingys that Show the HISTORY of this Fabulous Factory...
       THIS is a very Old  Cloth Bag... that has been preserved behind Glass...  and it tells about what DAD's Dog Food has in it....           SEE THAT...  MEADVILLE, PA   thingy?   THAT is the Town that is not far at all from OUR HOUSE...
 This is a Bigger portion of the Bag...     Of COURSE they No Longer pack it in Cloth Bags...
 THIS is what the ORIGINAL  Ainsworth Factory looked like...   it is a Painting of it.
 This Painting is what it looks like NOW.
     Ernie and I Sniffed all around the place and there were NO bad Smells and everything was so NEAT and Clean.  
      THIS picture shows a more Modern DAD's Bag...    Paper instead of Cloth...   BUTT, it is Still an OLD bag... and it is behind Glass also... that is why there is the FLASH mark in this picture.   We aPAWlogize fur that.
 Another view of the very MODERN Facility.
 THESE are some of the Special thingys that have been made, OVER ALL THESE YEARS, to commemorate this LOCAL BUSINESS.

MORE of the Ainsworth History.
They Advertised on Railroad Cars...
And at One Time, Dad's Dog Food was Delivered in 
Small Open Trucks.
      OH, by the way,  they also make Dad's CAT food.  
      Those are  pictures of the FAMILY who Started Dad's Dogfood and still own the company.
If you look Way DOWN at the bottom of this picture you will see a Pencil Vane E Ah  LICENSE PLATE... that the family once had on one of their vehicles.  Isn't it Cool Drool that they saved it all this time, and Now have it on display?  
 More of the Family and examples of how Packaging has changed over the years.
       Now THIS is their MISSION STATEMENT.    It tells how they operate their FAMILY OWNED and Operated business.  AND it tells how they feel about their obligation to keep the foodables that they make, SAFE and NUTRITIOUS.       TRUST US....  we saw the employees all dressed in WHITE with Hair and Beard nets and SAFETY HELMETS.     This is a company that CARES about their CUSTOMERS and their EMPLOYEES.          We are SO VERY PROUD to be living close to such a DEDICATED and CARING business.
    This picture shows their VISION and philosophy.   Aren't these words just BEAUTIFUL?
      THIS is the Bottom of one of the bags of RACHAEL RAY kibble...       It lists the Ingredients and ALSO   the AINSWORTH QUALITY GUARANTEE...
 We have come a LONG way from the ORIGINAL Cloth Bag that DAD's  was packaged in... to the NEW style SHINY bags that KEEP in the Goodness much better.   RIGHT???
       We want to show you the FRONT of the bag of foodables, BECLAWS Tomorrow we are going to be doing a REVIEW of Rachael Ray's  NEW foodable  called     dish.    fur our FURends at Chewy.Com.
        We bet that YOU can't Wait to hear what we have to say about this.     OMD just LOOK at the ingredients... pictured on the bag.        
         We hope you come BACK TOMORROW to hear what we thought.
THE END....              


My GBGV Life said...

That's pretty pawsome! We've never heard of Dad's pet food before.

The Daily Pip said...

Very cool! Sounds like Pencil Vane E Ah has lots to offer including lots of yummy food. We will just forget about thing about snow in May.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMD all that AND available through the beloved Chewy folks??? Win-win and thrice times win!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Linda said...


We have crazy weather up here too.
87 on Friday Rain and 58 on Saturday.
Wow that is a lot of history for Dad's
and made right there so close to your town.
I'll be back tomorrow & see your review.


Sheltie Times said...

What an awesome trip!

easyweimaraner said...

Oh how great that you live next to Rachel Ray... Jackpot! that is like living next to pierre bocuse!!!
maybe we can write that Mrt. Hammond to change the lyrics of his song: It never snows in Pen-silly-vania works too... I just tried that... till the neighbors closed their windows hehehehe

Julie said...

Really!!!! You got to go on a tour of a foodables factory!!!! Oh WOW, thats gotta be the bestest outing generous were they wiv samples?????
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Robin + Christmas said...


Cowspotdog said...

it sure sounds like this was the best thing you did - moving - you are closer to family - have got some new family (with little girl) and get to see so many more things.

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, that snow yesterday was crazy! Mom's car was frosted over today and she was very unamused. BOL. Oh, that dog kibble place is so great! I'll be barking about my Rachel Ray / Ainsworth yummers tomorrow. Gotta love supporting the local community.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

Unknown said...

Well, bust my buttons! You live so close to a dog foodables plant?!? And they let you go in for an inspection visit?!? That is really, REALLY cool! It seems that moving to Pen-sill-vane-ya was a good move for doggies after all!

Kismet said...

It doesn't look like they do what wineries do-give free samples at the factory. Boo Hisssss.

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool is that! Hope you let her know you are in town
Lily & Edward

stellaroselong said...

We thought maybe she would have taken you out for lunch. stella rose

My Mind's Eye said...

Golly geeez FnE that stuff looks good enough to inhale!! Which I would do if I were there.
Mom tells me kitties are supposed to Milky-way did ...but once again I tell her I am ME, Madi, not HE. I march to my own drum

What a wonderful tour I bet it had lovely aromas too
Hugs madi your bfff

Sully said...

I never heard of Dad's dog food before and at first I thought your Dad is making his very own brand of dog food. Glad y'all cleared that up cause I was like I'm moving in with y'all. BOL

Aroo to you,

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! We love finding out how things are made and the history of the places that make them! Thanks for the great tour!

Oh, and we have clear skies today, at least so far. It's still kind of cold out, though. Hopefully things will be a bit warmer down your way in PA.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how funny. Jan just opened our bag of RR Dish today. But the cats will be doing their review tomorrow and ours will post next week.

Your family goes to some of the neatest places.

WFT Nobby said...

Gosh Frankie you had us thinking you fed your Dad dog food for a moment there…
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

You guys get to visit the coolest places! We can't wait for your review tomorrow!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee lovved reedin bout this Frankie, wee dids look up MEADVILLE, PA on da interwebs n Da Momster did spots a house dere her wood lovs to lives in ifs her hads da green papers to buy it .
It looks a most loverly place indeeds

Da K Krew

The Army of Four said...

How interesting! I learned a lot just reading your post! I've heard Pennsylvania is a very educational place - maybe that's why our mom went to Penn State? Who knows!
Yours sincerely
Margaret Thatcher

Lone Star Cats said...

I's just relieved to find our you dog isn't ackshually eatin dog food!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have never heard of Dad's either, but it sounds like they know how to do pet food RIGHT!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Murphy said...

It looks like this report pooped you boys right out! We do like their attitude about how impawtent dogs are and how we are family! We never heard of Dad's before. We thought that was rootbeer? And the employees wore hardhats? Did something drop on their heads?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Did you get some samples to take home? We're glad you are so near that place, so you'll never run out of food.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Pawsome tour of the place

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! It is always good to learn new things! Is there bacon in Pencil Vane E Ah? Also, that is a very cute photo of you two guys snuggling. Do you snuggle often?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great tour of DAD's place!! We can't wait to hear what you think of Rachel's new Dish foodies!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! It is like a museum of dog foodables! That is beyond super duper cool! Did y'all get samples??