Friday, March 11, 2016

Worthington Pottery...

OKAY....  this should be "INTERESTING"   our MOM wants to Flap her Lips at YOU...   So we have set her up and are gonna turn her loose on our Blog... KEY WORD... OUR    This is NOT somethingy we want to happen very often...

HELLO?   Is there anyone there?   This is Frankie and Ernie's Mom here...

I wanted to tell you a couple of things...       First... my family owned a SMALL Pottery when I was a child...    It was started by my Mother, Grandfather, and Great Aunt.. and they named it Worthington Pottery ... which was my mother's Maiden Name.

Because it was SMALL we had to SELL every GOOD piece of ware that came out of the Kiln... to keep the Cash Flowing...   as a result.. our Family had NO PIECES of ware when the Pottery Closed in the late 1960's.    
    My mother and my Aunt did all of the hand decorating...   My aunt passed away in 1950 and Mother became the ONLY decorator..    

    Last Saturday Lori and I went to an Antique Show...  which is where I got that Sideboard I showed you......   BUT the BEST find of ALL was Way over HERE in Pennsylvania ... we discovered a set of jugs that my mother had painted...   it was a TRUE TREASURE Find..
   Until SATURDAY  these were the Only three things I had, that mother had painted...
FRANKIE AND ERNIE.... I am READY For you to put Pictures in... PLEASE..
    THANK you SWEETIES...  

The Bud Vases were both GIVEN to me...  the one on the Left by a FRIEND... and the one on the Right by the Eastern Star Chapter that my GRANDMOTHER and MOTHER , Butch and I all belonged to... before it folded...           When I took Martha's Chair...   one of the ladies from the Chapter Gave me HER bud vase from one of the years when Mother was Worthy Matron.       The small plaque is something Mother made to give to Salesmen...   
 As you can see by the date... '58-'59     these have been around for a LONG LONG TIME...  
       I never DREAMED that I would have anything else.. to remember mother by...  UNTIL
Saturday when we found THESE...
   A pair of OIL and VINEGAR jugs......    
 Of Course the Vinegar Jug always had a Red Apple    and a CORK that was painted Red...
 And the OIL jug...  a big Green OLIVE BRANCH... with a GREEN Cork...
 The pair is in VERY Good Condition... and even has the ORIGINAL Corks...
I can't TELL you how Excited Lori and I were.    Not that there is any MONETARY Value to them, but that they have SUCH SENTIMENTAL Value to US...
   AND I am looking at this find as, PROOF that We were Meant to come to this area. And PROOF that our choice of location was GUIDED by a Higher Power.  

Thank you Frankie and Ernie for allowing me to share my Family TREASURES with your little friends.

Yeah, Sure mom...  we just HOPE that we don't LOSE any of our furends over this one...  you have probably BORED them to Squirreldom.
    WE PROMISE that we won't be letting her take over OUR BLOG any more.


Julie said...

What a wonderful story Mom...I bet you squeaked wiv delight when your saw those treasures!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Cowspotdog said...

well that is a totally amazing and awesome find - how very very special

My GBGV Life said...

That is so great! My mom would cherish those things as long as she lived. Being from your own family makes them priceless. What a wonderful find!

easyweimaraner said...

good things come back sometimes. that must be something like karma that you found those artpieces back... I'm so happy with you that the precious things your mom just painted found the way back to you.... welcome home beautiful pottery...

Kismet said...

I'd rub those jugs three times each to see if a genie appears.

Two French Bulldogs said...

That is a TRUE treasure.
Lily & Edward

Scooter said...

Hey Mamaw!
Wow, those are so cool! I know you were both super excited when you got back from that shopping spree. They are beautiful and look great up in your cupboard.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

C.L.W.STEP said...

When ghostwriter was growing up, her family always made a yearly trip to Cook Forest in PA to spend a week in the beautiful forest. Most of the little shops there had pottery among the other art work.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What pretty potteries!!! I remember when your mum told me behind the scenes about her family connection to ceramics - I think this is just wonderfurs!!!

Now boys, need to alert you that I have seen on those folks who have my blog on their sidebars, that it hasn't updated since Wednesday; most folks know I post daily, but it may mean that the alerts are not coming up on dashboard readers either.... I am missing my usual number of visitors!!! Hope you don't mind me mentioning... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

DC Jazzi said...

That is really a nice story, what fun.....did u recognize them right off? I think you are right you were meant to be in PA!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

WOW!!! This has to be more than's has pure miracle stamped all over it! This is fantastic news! :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh mom did not lose our attention. My mom is a huge pottery fan too and OMCs are they beautiful and such wonderful memories and stories to go with them.
Hugs madi your bfff and mom

The Army of Four said...

That is so very special! And those are beautiful pottery pieces -- our mom loves pottery!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, how exciting! Worth more to your mom than money. A piece of her history. We're so happy for her.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Those are some wonderful pieces - you are so lucky to have them.
Mom Kim

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's an incredible story! What a find! Of course, SHE's a bit worried that the 1950s may be classified as ANTIQUE, but can imagine your absolute delight at finding those!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I don't know what I am most excited about - the fact your family used to make pottery or those beautiful family heirlooms you found. You must have been over the moon to find them after all these years. I'm so happy for you!
Lynne x

Samantha said...

So amazing!! Those are definitely worth a lot, but of course, the true value is in the meaning!

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD! What a wonderful find! truely wonderful
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Saundra Romanus said...

What a wonderful story! Things that show up from the past are so heartwarming!

Duke said...

What a fabulous find! We are so excited and thrilled for your mom, Frankie and Ernie!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh that is a wonderful story.
Thank you so much F+E for so generously allowing your Mom time on the blog to share it.

Murphy said...

Wow! What a treasure that would be to find them! I can only imagine the emotions evoked when you found them. Yes, you are right where you should be!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley's Mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How very special!!! You found a true treasure that is worth more than any amount of money. The pottery pieces are all beautiful too.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

LBJ said...

Those are so beautiful (Mom loves the olive jug) and indeed is a sign that you have come home. Enjoy every precious memory.

Abby Lab

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I think that we were drawn to them You were meant to have them again. They are beautiful

Wyatt said...

That is so cool!! They are beautiful and congrats on your great find!!

Wyatt's Family

Millie and Walter said...

What a wonderful find on your treasure hunt. We let our mom read this story since we knew she would like it. How great that you found more pieces from your family business.

Bocci said...

What a wonderful story! All of those pieces are gorgeous, but the new finds are just amazing! We're so happy for you!

Kinley Westie said...

Wow, dat are way cool!

Ruby said...

OH.MY.DOG.!!!!!!!!!! That is WAY COOL!!!!!!! And most beautifuls, I might add!!!! Wows...what are the chances??! You knows what would be FABulous in those???? margaritas! Just sayin'....
Anyhu, F&E, that was pawsome of you boys to lets your MOms tell her story, it sure was a good one!!! And, posting the pics for knows the peeps are, um, a little 'slow' when it comes to stuffs like that....hehehehehe
Ruby ♥

Ziggy Stardust said...

I understand how you feel guys, but Mommy loves this post. I don't get it, but she was going nuts over everything and is super happy for your Mom. Whatever, lets get back to Frankie and Ernie please.

Ziggy Out!!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't even bored one bit! I think your mom is lucky to find those cool bottles ant stuff. They're pretty .....and might have treats inside.

Love and licks,

pilch92 said...

That is an incredible find. Your Mom was a great painter too.

M. K. Clinton said...

OMD! I cannot even imagine how ecstatic you must have been when you laid eyes on those incredible pieces. It is definitely a sign from above that your mom is watching over you and is sending her love. ♥ What a beautiful story and I'm so glad that Frankie and Ernie allowed you to share it. ♥ ♥

Unknown said...

Wowee how exciting! My mom loves vintage pottery she has a huge addiction I mean collection! She has never heard of Worthington, it's really pretty! I bet it's worth more than you think if there isn't a lot of it. Our mom's have something in common, her grandmother and her two sisters were bone china painters. They did beautiful work, then my mom's aunt did it. Mom wishes she had their talent! She is going to keep an eye out for any Worthington just in case! Love Dolly

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOOOOOO cool! Congrats Mrs. Frankie & Ernie's mom! *ear licks* Noodle