Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The BURP Ease CATALOG has arrived....

OMD Furends.... we have been busy Pawing our way through the 2016 Burp Ease CATalog...

Looking fur Seeds and Plants fur our Garden...   When it is time to start it, that is...

BUTT, you all ask us Each Year ....  WHERE did you get your MILKBONE Plant SEEDS???

Well, furends   they are right here on Page  87....   
This year they are offering BOTH   SEEDS fur you to start OR.... for those too Impatient to wait that long....  Milkbone PLANTS that will pawduce Bones in like 87 days...    We are gonna try BOTH this year...   that way we are hoping to have an EARLY crop from the Plants and a Later Crop from the Seeds....      it will be easier fur Mom to Can them that way...   IF there are any TO can that is...

 This is a pic of Last year's CANNED Crop... they stay so Fresh and Crisp when home Canned... almost as good as fresh Picked...
 This is ME.... Frankie Furter....  harvesting  some of Last Year's Crop...
THIS is what you will be wanting to make YOUR order From....   
     the 2016  Burp Ease Catalog...

If you mention our Name when you call in your order.... they will give you an 87% Discount.   
    Or not...  just sayin.   

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   here is the INFO about the Valentine's Day Pawrade....


WE are gonna have a PAWRADE in BLOGVILLE !!!!!

Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade     2-14-16

Co-Hosts:  Frankie, Ernie,  and     Beachnut & Shelldon    Click the link to find THEM.

Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.

·       Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates

·       Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners

Need Help??  If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear photo of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at  lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry.   Include your name and blog address.

No Help Required / Photo Ready??   If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at  frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade.  Include your name and blog address.

The 2-5-16 DEAD LION.... is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.

Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!

HERE is a BADGE fur you to SNAG and use in any way you wish... SARGE made it fur the Crabby Girrrrrls.   He does good paw work...   


My GBGV Life said...

We don't do Milkbones at our house, but I wonder if they have seeds for beef jerky, or other tasty treats? Looks like a pretty big catalog. I bet they do! How are the canned Milkbones? Good as fresh?

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, thank goodness you will be able to grow milk bones in your new yard. I was worried you had to leave all the gardening behind at your old house.

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Frankie, I always look forward to seeing your Milk Bone plants, I hear that they have also got Gravy bone plants too, but they do have 87 varieties of bone plant. I love the photo of you harvesting your crop from last year and the canning process so you always have some bones on hand! I will deffo be sending for my plants this year, I love to help Mum garden and what better than a garden full of milk and gravy bones! Wahoo!
Love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Phew, that IS good news... you guys GOTTA have milkbones fresh from the plant - even if they get canned, cuz then you know EXACTLY where they came from!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I'm drooling all over my Mr. Dell! Fresh from the plant snackers. Ahhhhh, now that's a healthy feast. Gee, this year I can help you ones that are growing a little higher up the know, up outa the doxie reach zone. BOL ahem.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Snack Fan

Julie said...

Oh yous soooo lucky, I haf been through our catalogue from cover to cover and there are no milkbone seeds this year! OMD what am I gonna do??????
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Kismet said...

The only ones we plant are open pollinated non-GMO heirloom seeds. What page has them for the bones?

Cowspotdog said...

we will have to see about planting one of those milkbone bushes :)

C.L.W.STEP said...

We'll have to tell our humans that we want to grow some of those milkbone trees! Yum!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma has a black thumb, so I think we're going to have to stick with buying our Milkbones.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhh the wonderful Burpee Catalog!! It is so colorful and makes you think of warmer days to come. I must call to see if there have any catnip seeds
I am ready ready ready set go for the parade!!
Hugs madi your bfff

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sending our Mama out right away to pick up some of these seeds!! I wonder if Burp-ees sells "Greenie seeds"???
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

marley said...

Still haz not pawswade da staff to plant one ere Frankie my pal...pawhaps yoo cud vizzit and do da plantin fur me...will be appee to share da crop

Saundra Romanus said...

Do you think they have seeds for bully sticks? We LOVE bully sticks!
Love Emmy and Cocoa

Unknown said...

I cannot believe it is time for the Burp Pee catalog to be out! I sure hope you have a bumper crop of Milkbones to can (and share, hint-hint).

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh Oh Oh! We must look and see if they have a soft variety for Mr Bailey - he is a little short on teeth any more!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Murphy said...

Is the biscuit catalog available online? We can order some seeds with mom's American Express. We are so excited about the parade!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

sprinkles said...

I'm not much for gardening, but it would be nice to have one of these plants. Just think of all the treat $ it would save! That $ could be spent on more dog toys.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, we need a cutting from that tree!
Dip and Elliot x

Laika said...

We definitely want such a tree. Yummi :)

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

I need one of those in my garden!

The Army of Four said...

We need to see if our catalogue came in, too! We MUST get mom to plant a bunch of cookie trees this year!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We only have cute cumbers and three varieties of tomatoes and onions....sheesh! We want Milkbone seeds!

M. K. Clinton said...

Wow! I wonder if we can grow Milkbones or if those pesky tree rats will eat them. They always ate our fresh berries. Grrr You boys definitely have green paws.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Glad you will still get to grow those at the new house.

Duncan said...

My Nonnie gets that catalogue too. I am going to get it and check out page 87 fur sure.! Thanks for thinking of Skinny Pup today!!

Duke said...

We will be on the lookout for our Burpee catalog. Thanks for the info, Frankie!

Millie and Walter said...

We sure hope you will be successful this year with your new Millkbone trees. Good luck.

Poodle At Play said...

I'm going to have to tell my dad's mom, Donna, to get this catalogue! Maybe she can get some and plant them in her garden for me and Honey this year!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We haven't seen a milkbone here since Phantom left us - do you think he took them all to the Angels across the RB??? We are going to have to check into these Burp Ease seeds too.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Anonymous said...

We don't have a garden, but maybe Mom will get me a house plant of Milkbones....

Love and licks,

bichonpawz said...

How cool is that? We never knew that you could can milkbones!! We will have to check out the catalog!! LOVE the pics!! :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We want one of those Milk Bone Plants.

Wyatt said...

Hey, we could use some of those seeds! We just sent our pics to Shelldon and Beachnut! Love is in the Air!

Wyatt and Tegan