Monday, September 28, 2015

Just a Quickie fur all of you...

We have been up to our collars with this Moving stuffs... it is SO much work...   and we have had to meet our new neighbors and stuffs too..
PLUS...   Saturday we had to take our mom and dad and Sarges Peeps to this place called EARie... that is along a Big LAKE... which we did NOT get to see...     We took them there to get GRAPES..

 You know how our mom and dad LOVE to drink Grape Juice every morning...
 This is Dad...  and all the ACRES and ACRES of Grape Vines...

We had to FORCE the peeps to get there BEFORE the Welch's Peeps show up with their big PICKING OF THE GRAPES Machines show up and Pick the vines BARE...

Our mom and dad made and Canned  88 Quarts of Juice and have enough Skins to make 9 Pies...
   butt we are here to tell you that the Moving and the Juice making has Left us...  
 that black pot thingy is the CANNER and the Solid Silver Pot... is what has the Boiling water to put in the Jars with the Grapes and the sugar.....
 This is our new Kitchen...   which good foods have been coming from...  So far.. we hope THAT continues..

 We made Dad pick the grapes off the vines while Mom did the Canning pawt...   We snoopervied every step of the pawcess...     EXHAUSTING work... let us tell you that...
We are going back to that EARie Pencil Vane E Ah place AGAIN tomorrow... THIS TIME to get 50 Pounds of Potatoes.. so we can make mom and dad Peel all of them and CAN THOSE fur our winter time Eating...  

PEE S....  did you see Sarge and the Crabby Girl's Post Yesterday????  they told all about our POND at this Pencil Vane E Ah Place that is now our home... WELL, HERE is the Pond and the Fountain...
 We get to go on Wakies to there... butt it isn't very far... We can SEE it from our Front yard...

 That is about all the time we have for NOW...      ERNIE says this is the END for NOW...
BUTT... we PAWMISE we WILL be Back.... Full time... as soon as we can get all the thingys in Place and Sorted out and stuffs...      WE WILL BE BACK... butt there is some more work that HAS to be done... before Cold and Snowy Weather time...  
   Please don't furget us...    WE MISS you all so much...
PEE PEE S... Congratulations to Pastor Michelle...  on her NEW FAMILY MEMBER...
   We are thrilled to WELCOME a new Resident to Blogville...  


Samantha said...

Miss you!!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! What a lot of work you did today! Ghostwriter remembers driving past Erie PA and seeing all the grapes growing not far from the Lake. You could smell them from the car! Yum! Good luck with the rest of your move and don't work too hard.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We really miss you guys BUTT we NOSE you gonna be back! Me will just take a nap and when I wake up, you'll be right here in Blogville where you belong!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

WOW! You've been busier than a one-armed paperhanger. Just keepin' the peeps goin' must be a full time job in itself. We miss you....specially Roxy.

LBJ said...

MMM. Mom loves Grape juice but she is just lazy and buys hers at Whole Paycheck Foods. I am so happy you are adapting to your new home with new things to snoopervise and new places to explore. We'll all be so happy to see you back in Blogville when you are settled in.

Abby Lab

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

With all the moving work theyhave had to do, we are amazed that your peeps were able to fit in all that grape work and now potatoes!!! Will they be making some tater chips for all???

Your new home looks beautiful, and what a gorgeous lake.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! We miss you guys bunches!!!! You new kitchen is FABulous! I am all jealous that your Moms actually COOKS in yours! I KNEW that's what a kitchen was for! Anyhu, you make grape JUICE with grapes??? Ma always thought that WINE came from those tasty little treats! hehehehe Oh, and your fountain is beautifuls!!! Much better than mine fursure!!
i can't waits til you guys are back! It's soooooo borin'....BOL!!
Ruby ♥

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Glad to hear from u.

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD! we were so happy to see you guys tonight! We can't wait till you are back full time.
Now that is a pawsome pond you got there! just beautiful!
love you guys and miss you!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Murphy said...

Wow, what a wonderful place for grapes! You are very busy but we miss you so much we can't stand it!

Your Pals (do you remember what we look like?),

Murphy & Stanley

Two French Bulldogs said...

What fun! Erie is far, do you live all the way out there? Miss you guys
Lily & Edward

Kinley Westie said...

Your peeps drink da non-fermented kind??? BOL BOL!

Linda said...

We miss you so much.
Glad that you are getting all settled in before winter.
Is your dad's fingers all purple from picking grapes?
xo Cinnamon

Scooter said...

It is ssssssssoooooooo great to see your blog again.....weve missed you soooooo much!!
Your pond looks super cool!! Hurry and get stuffs done ok?


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said... all have been working SOOOOO hard!!! We totally understand you having to get things done...and we will be here when you get back BUTT...we do miss you sooooooooo much!!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Ziggy Stardust said...

It is so super special pawsome wonderful to see you guys. I like your house and I can't wait to see more and read about it. I miss you guys very much, but we understand that there is so much to do.

Ziggy Out!!

p.s. Did all the snowfreaks make it to your place?

WFT Nobby said...

Great to hear from you guys. You new places looks wonderful. But we want to see more of it of course.
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

OMD, it is SO good to hear from you guys! We miss you so much! WOW, so things haven't changed much in the fresh picking, canning and preserving department - that is PAWSOME!! And that pond...WOW! We can't wait to hear more about your new home.
BIG licks,
Wally & Sammy

Duke said...

It was wonderful to hear from you! Forget you? NEVER! We hope you get all of your work done before the snow flies just like we did☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

easyweimaraner said...

a postie through the grapevine LOL Can I send you my grapes too? they are super small, maybe you can make short drinks from that little berries? I miss ya and I cross my paws that your new house it your home soon and you can relax a little with a glass of juice :o)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM

Glad to see that similar and familiar routines are being adopted - albeit with BOUGHT produce........ and that the kitchen is performing to expectations. How could we efur furget our favourite legals??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Glad you are settling in nicely. We look forward to learning more about your place once you are settled.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Ernie. We have missed you all too. It looks like a wonderful home you are in and that pond is fabulous!! Hope all the cooking and stuffs is done soon and you have a chance to relax and enjoy your new home. See you soon we hope. No worries and LOVE, Stella and Rory

Saundra Romanus said...

We miss you sooo much, but we know you are busy getting settled. Your new place looks beautiful and you have your own lake! Hugs and Kisses, Ms. Saundra and of course Emmy and Cocoa.

M. K. Clinton said...

We let out a howl when your post hit our mailbox! We miss you guys soooooooo much. It looks as if you are keeping your humans very busy moving and canning. Enjoy yourselves and we hope to hear more about your new digs soon.

Kismet said...

When does the fermenting start?

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a beeYOUtiful pond! You're going to have lots of fun running by it and swimming in it. Oh BOY! We understand how kerazy things get around a move, so just relax and come back when you're ready. We'll hold a big pawty!

stellaroselong said...

We are glad to see you are all alive and breathin and making grapes.
stella rose

Lovable Lily said...

We are so happy that you are all getting settled into your new home. It's a lot of work, we well know! We're in the middle of painting and Daddy is saying a lot of HBO words while doing it. Still got lot's of boxes laying around unpacked. Mommy will be happy once the painting is all done so that she can finally unpack the remainder of our stuffs. Congrat's in the new home! Remember that once you get settled, you need to e-mail us your new addy.

Lily Belle & Muffin

LetterstoAndrew said...

I was just thinking of you guys this morning and wondering how the move was going. Thanks for updating us! Glad things are moving along.

The Army of Four said...

It's sure good hearing from you guys! You must be exhausted from all that supervising! I know how hard that can be!
Your pond is beautiful!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

WElcome back! We have mised you!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you guys at your new house. I love that pond. It looks like the one Mom takes me to at the park.

Love and licks,

Cowspotdog said...

we are sooooooo happy to see you back again - we have sure missed you two and hope you will be all settled in soon so you come back us every day :)

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

So happy your back if just for a bit. We await your full time return.
We gotta find out how many snow flakes made it to your new home!@!

Love ya'll.......Mommy's girls

My Mind's Eye said...


Sheltie Times said...

So glad you guys arrived safely. We miss you.

Millie and Walter said...

Hi F & E! It's so good to see that you are getting settled in your new home. Thanks for the update. We hope to see you soon and completely understand all the work that goes into moving.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad you're all okay. Moving is hard work and it sounds like you are already finding the places to stock up for the winter.

We didn't know Michelle has a new dog. We went by to meet Buddy. Adorable. So happy for her. Know she misses Goose but Buddy is already making his own nest in her heart. :)

Mara said...

Oh, so many new places to explore! I hope you will be very happy in your new home.

How Sam Sees It said...

Those are a lot of grapes and potatoes!

Monty and Harlow

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh those wonderful concord grapes, the ones around us are really crap this year. I have never seen Welch's machines how interesting. Your new place looks so nice.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Anna the GSD said...

Wow, looks like some swanky new digs! How can you post when you're always out exploring all the new stuffs?!?!?!

Backcountry Brodie said...

I cannot woof fur myself but I rememmer when we met in the furs, my mom slurped down some of your mom's homemade grape juice and she thought it was so furry nomilicious, way better than that Welch stuff, according to her. I cannot beleef you has your furry own pond. Good move guys!