Monday, May 11, 2015

Impawtant Stuffs fur you....

We heard a rumor that Today is Walter's Sister  MILLIE's BIRFDAY !!!    AND that it is   MADI's GOTCHA DAY !!!

AND     remember the big AUCTION ends TOMORROW.....     Click HERE       to get THERE!

        ALSO   does anybuddy know Cody from Tucson???     Cody left a nice comment yesterday butt when we Clicked to go Comment BACK....  there wasn't any BLOG ADDY that we could find....   HELP.....   we want to say HI and stuffs...!!!!        AND to let Cody know that BERTIE has a Trial that we are getting ready fur.... On  WED...   It will be a DOOZIE....  since it is in a Scottish Court.... and we gots to wear KILTS an Stuffs....    

NOW we want to tell you about what Miss Sydney...  of    CHEWY.COM fame sent fur us to Sample and Review fur YOU...

YES, Furends     LAMB LUNG BITES....  and they are SUPER...    No artificial thingys and grain free.... with only 8 calories in each crunchy bite...
FURST we Read the entire package....    we like it ALL except fur where it said.... THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FOR INTERMITTENT OR SUPPLEMENTAL FEEDING ONLY....          oh come on NOW.....   seriously?????    These thingys are too good fur THAT...   
 REALLY they are....   AND we think it said something about being   GLUTTON Free....   butt Ernie was reading SO fast that we might have gotten THAT a bit wrong...  
So after we finished really all the interesting stuffs.... we were READY to drool    faint...  pass out      give 'em a Whirl...   
 We tied in and started crunching and munching and LOVING EVERY SECOND of it...
 OMD  they are good to the Last tiny crumb....
 You got THAT right Frankie....     We Finally Agree on Somethingy...
Now if YOU want a Tasty Treat that is FULL of Protein and Delicious TASTE...   you gotta go to      CHEWY.COM     and tell those good folks to send you a Bag (OR 87) of
 Natural Balance Wild Pursuit     LAMB LUNG BITES....     You will LOVE THEM..... and your mom's will NOT complain since they smell GOOD and only have 8 calories...   

Now we were NOT paid to say these nice thingys.... sent us a bag to REVIEW fur you...      We just like telling you about the Grrrrrreat thingys that can be had from  and remember they offer FAST delivery... right to your DOOR...            Just sayin!!!    


Julie said...

Oh yum, yum, drool, those foodables do look very tasty!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

Lamb Lung Bites... that sounds like a love song, right? a love song to our stomachs :o) The Idaho Pugs rescued me with that heavenly lamb lungs as I was on a die-t and all what I can say is: YUMMM!
easy rider

My GBGV Life said...

This was a terrible month for treats at Chewy! There were so many we wanted to try and we had to pick was a tough one! These were one we eliminated but did want to try! Yum!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Looks delicious

The Daily Pip said...

They look yummy!!! We are doing our review today, too. And with all these delicious treats around, suddenly I'm STARVING!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...Hope you can trace Cody!!! Crikey, those Chewy folks sure know how to label a packet - some hyooman foodables are not that well presented!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

My Mind's Eye said...

Thank you for the shout out on my gotcha day!! OMDs where did the time go!!

Lamb lungs now that sounds must tasty.
MOL MOL EASY's comment!!
Hugs madi your bfff

Cowspotdog said...

we got those too and they are our favorite for sure

Scooter said...

Hey FnE!
Wow, I was doing the happy dance on Friday because I got a pressie pack from Chewy too! We all adore the fabulous blue chewy boxes. BOL I tried those lamb lungs and totally agree...delish and 4 paws up.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Snack Fan

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

ONLY 8 CALORIES??? YES!!!! I bet my Mommy would like to snack on those too!


Two French Bulldogs said...

We love those things
Lily & Edward

stellaroselong said...

Our Momma needs to order us some of those fings.
stella rose

Kismet said...

I thought I knew everybody but I don't know Cody from Tucson even though it's only 2 hours away by car and a one hour flight for this bird.

cody from tucson said...

Actually, Frankie, it is now COOKIE in Tucson (poor Cody died last summer) and mum has not gotten around to changing it!!!! Anyhooo, I do not have a blog, but you can reach me through mum's e-mail --

Hope to hear from you soon.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh boy, that looks yummy! You're so lucky you get to taste test all this pawesome stuff!

I'm super excited about the auction. I've bid on some pressies for my momma and auntie, PLUS something for me! I hope I win!

LetterstoAndrew said...

Lamb (or beef) lungs are a big deal at our house. It is usually only given for walkies so they take extra care to behave in order to get that treat~

Unknown said...

Lamb Lung...Venison Lung...I am all in for the organ meats! Yep! They are super delicious. I am glad that Miss Sydney sent you such pawtastic treats!

WFT Nobby said...

Gosh I am starting to get nervous about this big court case...

Idaho PugRanch said...

We had some lamb lung a while back and all I can say is we went crazy for it!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Poodle At Play said...

I don't think Mr. Chewy sell anything that isn't absolutely delicious!

A birthday and a gotcha day today? Thanks for letting us know! I'm going to right right over to their blogs and wish them good ones!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMDOMDOMD....these lamb lungs look so totally delish!!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE has a weak stomach so we don't get stuffs like lamb LUNGS...sheesh!

If they're anything like those samples you sent us, they must be good.

We're a bit afraid, being gluttons ourselves...that glutton free might be stuff that tastes horrible.

The Army of Four said...

Great review, you guys! We need to get our review done - hopefully within the next few days.

Duke said...

Chewy always sends the bestest treats and those look so yummy! We can't imagine life without Chewy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

OH DOGGIES...we almost got that...but we pciked something else...will be putting out our review that the weather Nasty guy is gone for a few days

The Mad Scots

Murphy said...

That looks delish! Sorry but we do not know Cody. When mom and dad did their long run today they stopped for a refill on water and there was a man with a black long haired dachshund. He was 3 years old. So our pawrents thought of you boys!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sweet William The Scot said...

Wild Pursuit well Ernie I thought the only wild pursuit you had going on was for Roxy. Bawheheeee. I don't know Cody but I have met a Nessa and a MacCree and a Lyric they e-mailed me.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Kinley Westie said...

Looks tasty!

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for the shout out guys. Those treats sure do look tasty.