NOW we had to take this pic with the STUPID PHONE.... and use the ZOOMIE thingy ... so the SCREENS show up and make them sort of Poopy Pictures......... BUTT...
CHECK IT OUT...... TWO MALE HUMMERS on the Feeder TOGETHER... THAT is really rare... they NORMALLY FIGHT and chase one another away...
They showed up on April 26th... and these Pics were taken the next day...
We guess that they were SO hungry that they finally called a TRUCE and Dined Together...
We don't think that will last when the Hummer WIMMEN arrive... in a few days... Just Sayin.
Have you been to Amber DaWeenie's Sister (Shelly) AUCTION yet??? OMD there are Fabulous thingys and they are needing BIDS... CLICK HERE
Note: We have to DADsit Today.... belcaws Mom is Away from the Hill... SO we won't be able to be around Blogville today... OUR WORK is never done...
NOW we want to tell you that we DID have our Meet in the Furs with Shawnee yesterday... and it was OUTTA this World Wonderful ....... we ate Together TWO TIMES... and had Ice Cold Waters to drink... We will have Stories and Pictures and stuffs... Once we a chance to Post about everythingy...
BUTT FURST we wanted to show you ONE Pic... just to Whet Your Whistlers...
HERE COMES SHAWNEE........ this was at ASH CAVE, OHIO Where we MET...
She and her mom HIKED all the way from OLD MAN's Cave to Ash Cave.
Mom despises it when she has to use her phone camera, but sometimes it is the only one she has and the moment happens. Hummingbirds are super cool little creatures!
It be ME! It be ME! I see ME on your bloggie! Wowsers, we had the bestest time efur, didn't we Frankie and Ernie? We pawtied so hard that I slept like a log all nite long. Can't wait to see you pictures and I has to get bizzy with mine. After my nap.
Looks like spring has sprung!
We will miss the little hummingbirds we had in Arkansas - don't know if they visit this area of florida
I wish we had such birds here too... I would like to watch them :o)
I can't wait to hear more about your adventures... have a super saturday and take good care of your daddy... they need us and are lost without our snoopervising :o)
easy rider
We hope mom has a fun(ny) day!
We look forward to your Shawnee stories!
Here is a question
How many doxies does it take to keep a Dad out of trouble? TWO
YOU MEN HAVE A FUN(ny) day too
Madi your bfff
Hari OM
Whassat, you are have 'guy-time' with dad??? enjoy the bonding boys!!! Looking forward to reading the adventures; that piccie of Shawnee was tantalising.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Hey FnE!
Wow, we haven't seen the hummers here yet, but they'll be on their way any day now! Can't wait to see more about your visit with Shawnee!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
BTW: Bark a hello to Papaw Pantslegs today for me. Hope Mamaw has fun out and about.
You have a pair of gay hummers there.
Now we know where our hummers visit you guys!!
We can't wait to hear more about your visit!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
I love seeing your hummers! What a special picture. Good luck with taking care of your Dad today. I can't wait for pictures with Shawnee.
Loveys Sasha
Looks like a good start to your day out with Shawnee.
You are so lucky to have those hummers come visit you!
We think the boy hummers must really be starving! We sure wish we had visits from them at our house.
Love ya lotsā„
Mitch and Molly
Hope your Dad is as well behaved as the two hummers were.
That is so cool. Mom's friends MC and Mr. B from the Book of Barkley (the chapter with the kitty travois) has hummies all OVER their country home. I just love watching them. Makes me feel like should take a nap.
Abby Lab.
Your hummers are adorable!!
I cannot wait to see your photos! I need to go make hummer food right now! Thanks for reminding me!
Our hummers do not play nice...
Gah! There she is! Shawnee! So fun!
Love and licks,
When we saw "hummers" we thought you were talking about the vehicle!
We tried hanging a hummingbird feeder. We just got wasps and bees. We sometimes see hummers when the lilacs are blooming around here.
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