Friday, November 21, 2014

and MY Selfie by Frankie Furter

Frankie Friday....    BaaaaaaWaaaaah

Hey everybuddy.....  this is our BUSIEST Time of the ENTIRE year...   like fur instance Tomorrow... WE have to take care of DAD... all day long...    beclaws Mom is going to Ohio's AMISH COUNTRY   to get CHEESE and Stuffs...  fur our ThanksDeerMas  time.    
    We have to Combine THANKSgiving   and   DEER Shotgun Season and ChristMAS  into a Whirly Wind few days... that our Mom  calls    ThanksDeerMas...        Everythingy has to be ready for CHRISTMAS since we do our exchange with Sarge's Mom and Dad...   and the GUYS go out HUNTING...   and everyBUDDY  Eats like CRAZY Squirrels...  
    SO since we will have to keep DAD under Paw...  which is NOT an easy task... all day... we will not be around much... if at all...
    AND we will also NOT be around On Thanksgiving Day and On until our beloved Company Has to leave... which always makes us very much SAD...         So we ask for you to forgive us...   for not commenting and stuffs.       See you When we can...    


My GBGV Life said...

Another pawsome nose shot! So does your mom have to travel to the Amish country by horse and buggy??? Enjoy!

The Daily Pip said...

Very nice SELFIE! Happy ThanksDEERmas! Hope you have fun with Sarge and family.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...venison every which way from here until the new year then? Do you get the antlers, guys??? Wish I could rub those sweet noses we got to see.

Have a safe and happy time over the festivity efurbuddy!!! Blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Cowspotdog said...

sounds like there is going to be a lot of cooking going on at your house

Anonymous said...

That's a fabulous nose! I'm sure you will be the perfect doxie-guards for your dad. What kind of cheese will your momma buy tomorrow? Is that a special one? with magic power? Enjoy a super time, it's ok when you can't blog around, I know we are always together in our minds :o)

Ranger said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! Say is isn't so. I'll be sad and miss you guys.
Ps…. I am thankful dat you are my friends.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Frankie, your NOSE selfie looks just like Ernie's! BOL BOL

And, our course, you's furgiven! You nose the old sayin'..."absence makes the heart grow fonder".


Unknown said...

Your gonna have cheese and stuff ?
Is that the same stuffs that goes on the top of pizza ?
If it is I'm gonna come over to your place for my dinner.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Kismet said...

Cheese? Did you say cheese? I'll be right over.

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, great snooter shot! BOL My peeps are so super excited about Thanksdeermas. They can't wait to get there.
OMD BOL to Emma's comment!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

stellaroselong said...

Your pictures look JUST like ours moms does....have a great break and enjoy yours company.
stella rose

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

It's the most busiest time of the year!!

We won't be around much much to do, so little time!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom loves that Pennciltuckey Amish country. They have the best stuff. Could I bite your nose?
Lily (& Edward)

My Mind's Eye said...

AHHHHHHHH Frankie I'm sorry to tell you mom left human cooties all over your nose. I tried to keep her off your nose but no sir she had to smooch.

We know you will have a very busy time time next week with everything piled into a few Days. We hope you boys clean up the pawty stuff today before you Mom gets back
Hugs madi your bfff

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are going to have company too! Hazel's Dad & brother are coming for Thanksgiving and they are bringing their peeps with them (Mom's human daughter and family)
we had a ton of fun the last time they came to visit
Mr Bailey & Hazel

The Army of Four said...

I hope your dad is as much of a push-over as our d----I mean I hope your dad is as fun to be around as our dad!!! Take good care of him, Frankie! And safe travels to your mom!
PS: Excellent selfie!

Frank The Tank said...

Ohhhh Thanksdeermas is the best time, I remember seeing photos from last year, what fun you all have! Enjoy this year's festivities! That nose of yours sure does look ready to sniff out some delicious foodables Frankie! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great selfie!!! We understand about all the busy-ness. It has already started here as our human brother came in last night and the rest of his family arrives tomorrow. Then the fun begins with all the grands and moms and dads here to have lots of fun together. We are sort of winding down our blog time too - just not enough hours in the day.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Julie said...

Aha, I nose it really is you this time Frankie !!!!
Hope Mom brings back some tasty cheeses for you, do you get to share ?
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Another luscious honkin' nose! Happy ThanksDEERmas!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Did you feel that, Frankie?!!! I punched you on your selfie nose!
Ernie's Roxy.

We hope you have, no, scratch that, we know you'll have an excellent Thanksdeermas with Sarge's pawrents.

Maybe you can convince your Dad that your Mom would REALLY LIKE some of those Snowfreaks to be broken and thrown out (while she's gone.)

No scratch that, too. She's going for CHEESE.

Millie and Walter said...

We love your selfie and hope you have a great ThanksDeerMas. We will miss you but totally understand.

FiveSibesMom said...

Mmmmm...cheese! That's really nice of mom to travel and get yummy cheese from the Amish! Have a wonderful ThanksDeermas!

Anonymous said...

See ya house of silly gators!, Happy Thanksgiving.....don't shoot another peep, Merry Christmas...and just to be safe, Happy New year.....there that should cover it!

The Mad Scots

Ruby said...

OMD!!! ThanksDeerMas???!!!! WOWSA!!!
that sounds like a most FABulous time in your homestead!!!
Though, keepin' those male folk busy is a HUGE task!!! Whatcha gonna do??? Whatevers you do, don't let them near duct tape! They thinks EVERYTHINGS looks better in duct tape!!! Gpa puts it on everythings, and Ma has to take it off...sad's become a game now! ☺
Anyhu, gives me a call when your Moms gets back with that cheese and stuffs!
Ruby ♥

Kinley Westie said...

What a pawsome nose ya gots!

JoAnn Stancer said...

Great selfie, good luck deer hunting! I'm going tomorrow am too.

Taffy said...

That is a pawfect selfie, Frankie! I haven't quite figured out how to work the camera yet but I'm working on it.