Friday, September 26, 2014

Fractured Fryday Hairy Tale... A HORROR Story...

Now we are still on Vacation.....  butt we could NOT Miss   FRACTURED FRYDAY HAIRY TALE Day...        So here is OUR Story...

Last night I went to bed and got situated to have a NICE Night's Sleep...     When suddenly I started having a NIGHT SQUIRREL.....   a HORRID Night Squirrel...   I dreamed that... Ernie had been turned into a.......SNOW FREAK...      butt WAIT... there's MORE...

Just when I thought thingys COULDN'T have gotten ANY WORSE...         I (Frankie Furter) was suddenly Turned into a ....Snow Freak....   Myself.        OMD OMD    Ernie was even SCARED.....  
I may NEVER sleep again.
         Night Squirrels are the WORST.    ....  butt this was the Worst of the WORSTEST.  When I finally got Awake.... I got ERNIE up and told him what I had Dreamed...  and we Double Checked each other... just to be SURE it was only a   NIGHT SQUIRREL and not real.
BUTT WAIT.....   There's MORE....   that NIGHT Squirrel I had must have Triggered a DAY Squirrel... and HERE comes the REAL HORROR...

The mail came the other day and there was somethingy addressed to US...   We were OVER the MOON happy beclaws it said...  it was from our "FUREND" Goose.     So we SCREAMED    WOMAN get IN HERE and HELP US ...  Pawlightly asked MOM to help with the TAPE... and to get the pressie OPEN...    She was doing that when SUDDENLY....    OUT SPRANG...    

 A HORRID HIDEOUS     SNOW FREAK.....  and LOOK how HAPPY it looks...  THAT is beclaws
(Like we have been telling you fur like 87 years.... Snow FREAKS are EVIL) LOOK at what he HAS in his Twigs...  he has a WALKIN STRING... and at the End of the Walkin String is a POOR PITIFUL UNSUSPECTING PUPPY... ...     and     ... GASP....   We have WARNED YOU... it is gonna EAT him...   SEE??????       The Snow FREAK has the little puppy sitting on CHOCOLATE and a Graham Cracker... and he is going to HEAT all that over a FIRE... and then    EAT IT...  
    OMD    OMC      we tell you   Snow FREAKS are     DANGEROUS and EVIL....   
 Goose sent a Nice note....     along with the FREAK....   BUTT we just could NOT believe that he allowed his mom to do this to US...              We wish you could have been here to LISSEN to our MOM going all SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee    and stuffs...   She is a SICK WOMAN.        WE were Shaking and Quaking and  Whining and Whimpering...    and SHE was going    OOOoooooooooh   this is DARLING....   I love it.     Your LITTLE Furend is SOOOOOOO sweet to have sent this to YOU.        We always thought DAY squirrels were supposed to be GOOD and that only NIGHT Squirrels were SCARY...   W R O N G....   W R O N G    we say.
 THEN....... Just when we thought thingys Could NOT get WORSE..... (You may want to go PEE at this point... we'll wait).............    Mom Screeched (again)     Come on boys....    I know the PERFECT place to put your SWEET little Snowman and his tiny puppy....     and she grabbed the flashy beast and took off down the HALL.......   Toward....   {{{GASP}}}   OUR TOY ROOM...   and LOOK what she DID......     She put it on the Night Light...  (so it would show up... really good)..  Right over our FAVORITE  Boxes of OUR TOYS...      
 OMD     OMC       we may   NEVER even ENTER our toy room again, let alone get a fresh toy to play with.      "IT"   is perched Directly over our toy boxes...      READY TO POUNCE ON US.                 EVIL is ready to POUNCE....     We will NOT get Close to our toys ever again.

    WE may NEVER recover from this HORROR.   
The End.          of Life as we USED to Love it.       F. & E.         Two traumatized Dachshunds.
                             VVVVVVVV     ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥   VVVVVVVV
Pee S.....     We DO sincerely THANK Goose and his VERY thoughtful Mom... for thinking of Our mom and us.          


Julie said...

Oh no, snow freaks, I hasn't come across snow freaks yet... but it'll soon be snow freak season I hear
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Frankie, that is so scary. The sooner that your mom melts and eats up that snowfreak (saving the poor wee pup of course) the better.
Toodle pip!

Cowspotdog said...

that is way to scary - snow freaks is just the worse.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! We think your night squirrel was an OMEN. Can't believe you've got a Snowfreak in YOUR toy room! It should be in the SHED with the rest.

What was Goose doing, letting his mom send that to you? Next time she should think of you with treats.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMG!! I think you need to throw some of your toys at it until you knock it down and can smash it flat!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
.....wait up.... that was from one mom to another mom right? And said second mom is supposed love and care for you, right? THIS IS JUST WROOONNGGGGG... Get that fire up and burning right now boys! Oh no, that may not do - can't have you up on charges of pawrson...hmmmm anyway. There must be SOME way you can dead this thing??? Keep us posted! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD...Does this mean that snow freak season is about to begin? You have to rescue your toys. That snow freak might try and eat them too.

Unknown said...

We agree the night-squirrel was an OMEN of things to come. Yikes the snow-freak season has started already. OMD it is downhill from now on dudes. Run and hide. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

...ahhh you really waited for me while I had a pee break... thanks.. that's really scary to place a snow freak in YOUR toy room.... your toys get wet when he melts away...

Two French Bulldogs said...

That is horror at its finest. Oh my God Ernie you are killing us
Lily & Edward

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, noooooooooooooo!!!! We missed it again this month. We only caught this fractured hairy tale once on our blog. *sniff, sniff*

Great story.

Murphy said...

Oh, the season of the snowfreak is growing nearer! Wonderful story guys! The costumes made it so realistic! (We put you on the link up!) Thanks for pawticipating!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

M. K. Clinton said...

We don't get snow so we don't know about Snow Freaks. *Whew! They look very scary but marshmallows are tasty. If you keep him by the light, he may melt and become a s'more!

My Mind's Eye said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHMYYYYYYYYY WORD a snow freak in your fun room. Please tell me how in the world you will be able to have fun with a snow freak staring you in the face.

Now that being said...Goose what a thoughtful gift...for the Mom 'cause we all know with Mom is happy we are all happy
Hugs madi your bfff

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh you will have night squirrels even in your TOY ROOM!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Ziggy Stardust said...

Frankie and Ernie, I hope you have gotten over your trauma. I know Goose had nothing to do with that, but the Mommies get together and nothing good comes of it sometimes. Can you try to throw some toys at it and knock it down and hide it?? Good luck and be brave. Mommy says it was so nice of Gooses Mommy to send that. Mommy loves it, but what do Mommies know??

Loveys Sasha

Furry Bottoms said...

But snow freaks are cool. So very cool. You looked adorable!!! And oh oh oh I have a couple of Smores ornaments like that one you showed!! It is among my favorite, we have a "GOOD ORNAMENTS" box and a "MEH ORNAMENTS" box. My Snowmen are in the GOOD ornaments box. Come by this Christmas and I'll show ya!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh My Dawg. Mr Frankie this must be a united effort between you and Ernie. We suggest saving the puppy and burying the snow freak (quiver, shake, pee)under the nearest milk bone tree. Be careful mates. Those evil snow freaks seem to multiply right before your eyes.
NO worries (we hope) and love, Stella and Rory

Duke said...

Wow - we hope you guys are going to be able to get over all of this trauma in your lives! Our mom thinks the snow freak is adorable. Should we be worried?

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Murray's Mouth said...

Oh no! We'd be scared too!

Ruby said...

OMD!!!!! I thinks I'm gonna start havin' nightmares now too!!!!! That pooooooor puppy!!!
Sorry might never be safe agains...
If you need someone else!!!!! BOL!! Just kiddin', if you need some deadin' of the snowfreak, just bark...I'll be right overs!
Ruby ♥

Linda said...

No it's that time of year again.
They will be showing up all over.
I think vaccula is more scary.

xo Cinnamon

Scooter said...

Id say with that kind of horror Frankie, you better not ever to go to sleep again LOL

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, boys. I am already afraid of my toy box. But you should keep an eye on things in there, because if that snow freak falls into the toy box, he will eat the toys and you'll have nothing at all. Just check him once in a while..... In case.....

Love and licks,

sprinkles said...

Oh dear, snow freaks really are scary! I think you should "accidentally" knock it down from its perch and destroy it when your mom isn't looking. Then blame it all on the tree rats. I'm pretty sure your mom would believe that story.

Daisy said...

I really need to unsee this post now. I didn't know dogs can turn into snowfreaks. I'm now freaking out.

marley said...

OMD Frankie my pal...i come slinkin in ere wiv apologies for not commentin on yore blgo fur a few days and den I see this! Yikes! I haz donned my rescyoo soot an I iz on da way from da UK to hook you an Ernie out of dere my pal...

Sagira said...

OMD....we see a new horror flick coming soon! :)