Saturday, March 1, 2014

MARCHing in like a LION....

OKAY........  we are about to be   CLOBBERED   by a HUGE Storm....    Some Ice followed by...  MAYBE...   12 INCHES of SNOW...

 THESE pictures were taken LAST WEEK....     when we just had....

 A DUSTING of Snow in the Morning....    
 IF you don't hear from us fur a day or so.....  figure that we are OUT of POWER and living on Generator... which we don't LIKE to use for the Lap Top...  
Now they SAY that if March comes in like a LION .....  It will go out like a LAMB...     let's HOPE that is right...   beclaws  we KNOW that the Groundhog LIED to US...    and we don't want the Lion and Lamb to follow them.

HEY.... Speaking of Following...        if you went to the BDA's New Blog Yesterday... and liked our pawformance....   WE (the BDA) HOPE that you got yourself set up to FOLLOW the Blog beclaws we are gonna do MORE fun stuffs there..     HERE is the addy
    so you can FOLLOW US to the Next fun event...    OKAY...


Unknown said...

Have a super Saturday guys and stay warm and safe and we hope that is the last of the bad weather.
Best wishes Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

W are getting snow too and yuck. Stay safe and warm. I had a blast yesterday, they have some great sounds. Ernie you were great! My paws are barking today from all the dancing.

Love Sasha

Dexter said...

That snow will be headed our way and momma is totally mental coo coo already. Not to mention we are waiting for it to warm up to 0 degrees before walking this morning.

Be strong, little friends.


Cowspotdog said...

no snow for us - just the threat of an ice storm which for us is even worse

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie and Ernie I have all my parts crossed in hope of warding off the terrible weather ! You folks have had
e n o u g h. If I see that ground hog I plan to use my daggers and fangs on him!
Warm hugs
MADi your BFFF

Anonymous said...

I hope it's true that the liuon wil end as a lamb, although I dislike lamb rolls. If you will get to much snow, you can stay in my guestroom for a while, no problem.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's true that the liuon wil end as a lamb, although I dislike lamb rolls. If you will get to much snow, you can stay in my guestroom for a while, no problem.

Jo's World said...

No lion, Frankie, I can't wait for spring, but I do hope we get some spring and not dive right into summer and 90 degrees!

Your pal,

Wyatt said...

Wow, you could use a whole flock of lambs! Sending warm wishes to you.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Idaho PugRanch said...

Well you guys were soo right about the robins being in cahoots with the groundhog and squirrels cause it is snowing here in Idaho as we bark.
March better go out like a lamb!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Pee Es
we loved the fun yesterday and signed up to follow the BDA!

Murphy said...

We have rain today but it is still pretty warm (low 50's). Mom took the fleece sheets off the big bed and that is good cuz me and Stanley were getting kind of warm when we were under the covers. We are sending this nicer weather your way so make sure your vortex does NOT repel it!

Your Band-mates,

Murphy & Stanley

Scooter said...

We are so over the cold here. We got a dusting last night and the snow just arrived bout an hr ago. Get ready cuz it is coming your way


Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, your little pawprints are cute in the snow! Gotta look at the bright side of this winter mess. BOL OMD I totally don't want another storm. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! It's March and Old Man Winter is marching right over us.
BTW: The new BDA blog is fabulous!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

Bocci said...

Here's hoping that we all maintain power! If we lose power during the Academy Awards, Parental Unit says she'll hang herself! Just sayin'

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

We didn't get any snow sadly, only loads of rain. Feel free to send yours to me

Jans Funny Farm said...

You still had power this morning since you left a comment on our blog. We sure hope you still do and you don't lose it during the storm. We sure hate you're getting dumped on.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Stay warm and safe and be thankful winter will be over soon. We are having a little lion day. Only a few inches.

Duke said...

We sure hope you don't get clobbered with 12" of snow, Frankie and Ernie! This has sure been a long cold winter!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Well get yourself ready, they said we gonna get some ice tonight, and it's on a fast train North East bound and acting like a dump truck. maybe you will get un buried by Friday!

The Ice Bowl Scots

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! 12 inches. Roxy is hysterical...she thinks ERNIE will get LOST when he takes a pee break. You'll have to get John Deere out there to plough up facilities for you!

We hope you don't have to call on Jenny Rator to help you out. Snuggle up and keep warm! We hope March doesn't decide to just stay a LION!

XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot is it with this yeer??? the wether has gawn all crazy eddie!!! ok bye

Ruby said...

Holy Cow Patties guys!!! I sure hopes the weathers is gonna get betters for you soon!! It's been rainin' kittehs and puppies here, butts it's easin' up so I can find a place to do my 'business' without gettin' wet. I sure hopes you have a place ~ I thinks that is the worst part of this Winter thing...
Okays, Hopes your powers stay on, and that you don't have to go to the jenny rator! (thanks Bella & Roxy!)
Ruby ♥

Ruby said...

Holy Cow Patties guys!!! I sure hopes the weathers is gonna get betters for you soon!! It's been rainin' kittehs and puppies here, butts it's easin' up so I can find a place to do my 'business' without gettin' wet. I sure hopes you have a place ~ I thinks that is the worst part of this Winter thing...
Okays, Hopes your powers stay on, and that you don't have to go to the jenny rator! (thanks Bella & Roxy!)
Ruby ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We sure hope you don't lose your power - that is no fun at all. It is doing something here now, not quite snow, not quite sleet, but it is white. They say we will get 6-10 inches with most of the snow falling all day tomorrow. We know you think we are nuts, but we sure do enjoy our snow:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Shawn said...

Our March came in as a Lion too..we are tired of that Lion and hope he heads back to the jungle soon!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Nose...not again. Well, look on the, ah, bright side. You can all go out and build.....snow freaks!


WFT Nobby said...

Hang in there guys. Just hold that 'out like a lamb' thought.
Toodle pip!

Kinley Westie said...

Yeah, it are sposed to get real cold here too - 19 tomorrow night!

Just followed the BDA blog!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Yepperz, we Beaglebratz got sum of that stuff tue - an'it iz really cold out. BUTT we r not gonna get az much az furst thought. Shure hope u duzn't either.
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm not sure where we fall on the whole lion/lamb thing. March 1st was sunny and 80 degrees. March 2nd is cold, wet, and 30 degrees!! So did it come in like a lion or a lamb?

marley said...

Ope yoo is all safe an warm Frankie my pal….is good days for doin nappin….just sayin