Sunday, December 29, 2013

THANKS to ALL of YOU....

We have a FINAL Total... fur the Card Count  2013

US.....   81


We want to THANK ALL of you... Even the ones who Included SNOWFREAKS... (YOU are totally FURGIVEN fur that...BOL)  and THOSE who sent Cards to "THEM".   (Once again, totally FURgiven)        THAT is pawt of our New Year's Eve Resolutions...   We will NOT hold it against our Furends who sent PRESSIES or CARDS with SnowFreaks on or in them or who sent Cards Just fur Mom and Dad.    We are gonna TRY to be More FURgiving in 2014... and TRY to FURGET... anythingy... unsavory.    Just sayin..
   SO here are our  Paper cards...

 Of course we can't show you all the E-Cards butt we want to Thank Those Folks Also.    We like the Going Green thingy.

We hope that All of Blogville is READY fur the BIG NEW YEAR's EVE   Dance and Food and Rockin Wills  will have the  Radio Station going, there will also be and Bands and HATS and Noise Makers LIQUID Refreshments and FIREWorks and FUN.
We want to THANK  EVERYBUDDY who is helping to put this FINE TIME on fur us. 
BE SURE that you have YOUR New Year's RESOLUTIONS ready.. Ranger has a BOOTH fur taking THOSE...    Just sayin...

OH YES... and No Pooping in the Park.   

COP Sidebites has a whole CREW out ready to give TICKETS fur THAT.   

SEE you ALL at Blogville's ROCKIN EVE Celebration !!!!
PeeS....   we have ALMOST hit our 2,000th Post.      9 more and we will 
be there.    


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! There's a snowfreak right next to our card....or is that a scarecrow...

We got an e-mail from BARB today, so we'll be writing back to her.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Thanks fur forgiving us about the snowfreak that was on our card. Cant wait till new years eve.

Cowspotdog said...

A paw some collection of cards.....even with occasional snow freak. Have a wonderful new year :)

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

What a pawsome collection of cards. Forgiveness is important! Have a super day. Lee and Phod

Unknown said...

Pawsome card collection there guys. We are very impressed. Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
Best wishes Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Our card didn't have snow freaks on it but it did have snow flakes.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs 2,000 pots! WTG... You two might be vertically challenged but you have 'longevity'. MOL MOL

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, that's a great card collection! Gee, would you like for me to send you 6 of mine so you can say you got 87?!? BWAR HAR HAR Oh, and BOL to Madi's comment. The NYE bash is going to be pawesome!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Party Animal

Scooter said...

BTW: Someone asked about the times for our NYE posts. I don't really have a set rule in mind for that, but since it's an "Eve" thing, maybe all of the posts could be anytime from Noon on. Could Bad Dawg Agency work with that for their posts?

GOOSE said...

Hahahhaha, well done on the card count. I have now reached 101 cards. I am so looking forward to the party. Like I asked Madi, Puddle really knows how to make non-alcoholic drinks? This I gotta see. Hope to see ya around the punch bowl. I am hoping that Sidebites assigns me to that area of the party.

Duke said...

You fell short - it should have been 87 cards! Hopefully, the mailman will bring a few more!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

That is a pawsome card count!!
So fun
See you at the big pawty!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Jans Funny Farm said...

You won again. Your poor mom. Next year everyone should send your card to her instead so she doesn't get a complex and close your blog.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie. We too are trying to be more forgiving especially to our sneaky mother after the snowfreak incident on your card. Sheesh. We won't be able to attend the NYE bash but hope everybuddy has a wonderful time and look forward to hearing about it all. See ya next year mates!
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Lovable Lily said...

That's one heck of a card count Frankie and Ernie! I'm not sure we would know how to count that high.

We're gonna try and stop by the New Years festivities. (Mommy has been really busy working on the FL house while G-Pa Bob is out of town.)

Lily Belle & Muffin

sprinkles said...

Congrats on all the Christmas cards! I didn't get nearly as many, but I'm happy with what I did get. It's nice to be remembered.

My boys are trying to decide what to work on for their resolutions. They think they're so pawfect already! bol

Wow, almost 2000 posts! I've hit 500, but nowhere near as many as you have! Congrats.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....I thinks you need anudder wall...or a bigger one!


stellaroselong said...

We love the card exchange so much, mom is still limping and gimping around, no New Years fun for us.
stella rose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy New Year, Frankie and Ernie - wonderful to have so many friends.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Murphy said...

No contest on the cards!! Yes, we are sounding solid in our last practice session. We're gonna rock Blogville!

Your Fellow BDA Agents,


Ruby said...

BOL!! You guys sure beat out your peeps in the card department!! hehehe Oh, and Ma said she sent one to YOUR MOMS!!! WHAT??! Sorry abouts that guys...I didn't know nothin' bouts it...
Now, I don't see my cardie on your door...did you gets it?! I knows Ma sent it, cause I slobbered on the envelope and everythings! Let me know, and I'll send you another one if the mail peeps lost it.
Okays, now I am gettin' my drink mixin' skills honed for the NYE Bash!! I have lots of new drinks I'm gonna try out, and you guys are gonna have to taste them all for me!! BOL
Ruby ♥

Sagira said...

WOWSER! that is a lot of cards.