Our Furend Sweet SUGAR wants to get the word out about being RESPONSIBLE Poopers... See, even in your OWN YARD... Poops need to be Scooped.
OUR MOM just LOVES to do that. We keep tellin you about that... "BUTT" (that is a Poop Pun Frankie Funny fur you... or an Ernie Errrrrrr.) we don't think you Ever believe us about her obsession and mad love fur our poops...
HERE is the Picture PROOF..
THESE are mom's Poop Scooping TOOLS.... She bought them just special fur the job.
First she Finds our Poops...
THEN she Flips them in the thingy... Ernie is always FASCINATED by the whole PAWcess. He will even help mom by SHOWING her some of our FAVORITE Poop PLACES...
OVER HERE MOM..... I see some MORE... I prolly shouldn't have put this one so close to where we like to DIG. Get it before Frankie gets MAD at me.
Now When we go some place where we are on our Walkin Strings.... we have Poop Bag Dispensers hanging RIGHT ON our Walkin Strings... so if we "GO" it gets Picked up INSTANTLY... and put in a PAWper Place.
THIS is the way to be RESPONSIBLE POOPERS !!
PeeS... At HOME on our Hill... mom takes our poops to her beloved Poop Sculpture Pile Place... which is far away from the places where we Play and Work and also far from the house.
Momma rarely does poop patrol anymore now that we don't have several pounds of it coming out from the RH (she used to do it once or even twice a day). I am fairly good at hiding my poops and apparently if left long enough they often integrate into the yard. The good news is that for once we don't get poop smells wafting into the house from the Mt. Everest of Mango poop at the back of the yard.
MOL MOL MOL Ernie you are the Chief pooper finder!!! WTG good buddy.
Keep up the good work
Hugs Madi your bfff
I am a very responsible pooper in that I almost never go within the boundary of my territory, insisting instead on being taken out into the street or park to do my business. It's a great way to guarantee lots of walks. Gail of course always carries the necessary poop scooping equipment etc.
Toodle pip!
Hi Frankie and Ernie,
I agree it is VERY impawtant for our Pawrents to Scoop our poop!
My Mum is responsible, she always picks up after me, she has a special bag that she keeps my walking stuff in, there are poop bags, treats, a first aid kit, little bowl, water bottle and a ball!
She cleans up my poop in the garden every day and keeps it clean for me!
Love the poop post today, BOL!!!
I am pro poop scoop for sure, love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We always make the peeps keep our garden clean too. Never out and about without the poop bags. LOL does that make peeps a Bag Lady? Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Hmmmmm....My Mommy loves our poops too. What's up with this obsession? But her uses a little garden shovel and a...Walmart bag...and goes out twice a day to our private little yard just fur poopin. She says she likes to get out in the sunshine everyday and this is her way to do it.
We cant say that we LOVE to pick up the poops but we do do it. We carry baggies also!!
Jazzi and Addi
Your Poop(s) are mini. Pawsome and Golden claps for your mom. Golden Thanks for joining our hop and helping us spreading the ScoopThatPoop campaign. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
BTW: we will add your post/url to the hop. Golden Woofs
Always important to have the right tools for the job. We have a small yard so keep after it so that it will stay nice.
those are some great poop-picker-uppers!!!
Would love to follow you, would you please add "follow by email" to your blog? Thanks!
Barks and licks and love,
Well you will get a kick out of this..our mom uses a entrenching tool left over from her x's military days as a scooper. She always says some sh** for a sh**!!!!
Stella Rose
That was a very interesting lesson in "poop-o-logy" - Thanks! We use a small shovel for my recycled treats, but sometimes mom can't find all and my dad is very angry when he shreds it with the lawn mower. btw: your poop-tool looks like my mom's pancake turner hahaha
Our mom and dad are instant pooper scoopers. As soon as we go, they're on it. I had to explain the whole thing to Cam when she got here -- our poop is so special, they collect it. I'm not sure what they do with it. Also, by bagging right away, they never have to "police up" the yard -- unless a neighbor leaves a little surprise for us.
Play bows,
Bawahhwhahhwhawwah wez been round uffer blogs but wez didn't actually see the Poop..BOL xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Whoa! Your mom has a pawesome poop process for sure!! I don't poop in my yard (weirdo?!?) so we have the carry about poop bag dispensers.
*high paw*
Nice work to your Momma! I get kind of skeeved out when I go in someone's yard and I see poop that hasn't been picked up!
Funny how our peeps care so much about our poop. Mom is a pug poop expert cause she can tell you whose poop is whos at our house BWAA HAAA
Bailey, Hazel & Greta
Jan used to use a large cat litter scoop but the ... um, offending masses would get tangled in the grass so she now uses poop bags to pick up our poop in the back yard too. She wears a tiny purse around her waist with poop bags and extra rolls when we walk. And she has almost learned to not wave at passing folks when she has one hand full of leashes and one or more bags of ... you know ... in the other.
Oh what fun! I like your mama's scoop process. We use a flat head shovel and a giant bucket.
Thanks for helping to spread the word that poop should always be picked up and not left in "nature". Leaving poo piles exposed to the elements can result in it getting into the water supply and the bacteria can get into the soil and water and make people sick.
Poooooop! When Nala was younger, mommy and daddy would let her out the back door and tell her to go far. That way she would only poo by the neighbor's fence and they wouldn't have an entire yard full of poo. Well, now that Nala's older, and she and I like to poo like ANYWHERE on the right side of the yard... we both have to be watched every single time we go out... unless it's really really late at night and mommy let's me out for a pee pee potty. Then I go out myself and run back in. But the best thing, is that whoever gets to walk us outside, uses a sprinkler flag to mark the poo spot where we went, so mommy can go outside later and know where all the poo is and clean it up! That's right... mommy is the designated poo picker upper (note: she did NOT choose this position). Teehee!
Woofs & huggies, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
That is an excellent and very graphic demonstration of poop patrol. My pawrents are real good about picking mine up around here. I think I need to go take a poo now after all this discussion.
Loveys Sasha
We don't know why they always want to pick up our poop. We're glad to get RID of it! But, we ALWAYS make sure SHE has some to put in HER little bags when we go for a walk.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I'm so very glad that Mamaw is good about the pooper scoopin and goes so far as to sculpt with it! BOL Your yard is always super nice and the bags on your walking strings are great. BOL to Ernst snoopervising! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Awright guys, you've got a great procedure going and it's for sure that you've earned your "Responsible Pooper" badges :) We don't have a special poop sculpture...momz just puts mine in the trash...such a shame when we could turn it into art don't you think BOL! Thanks so much for joining our Scoop That Poop hop today!
That is a great contraption you have. Our Lady just uses a bag if we don't hide our poop in the deep bush or if Lee doesn't try and eat it! Lee and Phod
You guys are responsible pooper scoopers
Is flipping poop like flipping a burger?
Benny & Lily
Our mom's pockets are always full of poop bags, Frankie, and she cleans up as soon as we go too. The woman is a nutcase!
Love ya lotsā„
Mitch and Molly
I take it as my doody (bol!) to poop when we go on our walkies... For some reason she thinks it is my doody (double bol) to pick it up!
(She says it is the police man's doody (triple bol) to fine her if she doesn't!
If I take my boys on a walk, I always pick up their poops. Not so good about it at home though.
Great post guys. We always scoop it up, shame other people don't
I'm so bad at scooping it at home. We have a very woodsy yard and right now it's very overgrown, so the poops don't get picked up. I'm thinking of calling a service just to get things right!
Such a funny educational reminder. I do not hesitate to walk up to neighbors and politely hand them a "baggie" to pick up after their dog "Excuse me, I happen to have an extra bag for you". It's hard for them to say anything but Thank you. And of course I stand there and make nice chat to make sure they pick up! Of course this is while I'm feeding the community cats (all spayed & neutered of course) and I'm squatting nearby where people don't see me but I see them! So in essence I'm doing two jobs in one! Always multitasking. got to love it. ~~ Christine- founder
My mom is like that too - always has to pick up my poop - but that means our moms are being good moms and good neighbors. (I can't believe how little your poop is compared to mine!)
Thanks for pawticipating in the blog hop!
Dat not be menee tools my pal...members of da marley poop patrol is fitted wiv haz mat soots and gas masks...BOL
Mom doesn't hunt our poop down... she let's dad and reed find it with their shoes. Then she follows the screaming!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
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