Monday, July 29, 2013

Benny's Buddies Raffle Part DEUX....

Below is all the information that we COPIED from
 the Slimmer Pugs   you can click on their name and it
we HOPE it will take you to their blog...   somethingy
doesn't look quite right with this as I am setting it up.   I
just HOPE that it looks OKAY fur You...      We HOPE
that they don't mind that we Copied their words.  
Let's Continue to help our FUREND
Fight like a FRENCHY !!!
***************** here is the Information****

July 27, 2013

Benny's Buddies Raffle Part Deux

Welcome to Benny's Buddies Raffle Part Deux.  Wesa are your hosts, The Slimmer Puggums--George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi.  Up for raffle are four pawsome doggie items that will make your go BARK.

Each raffle ticket is $1.00...all monies raised will go to Benny's GoFundMe at Raffle's end which will be 11:59pm on Friday, August 2nd.

Payment Options:
1. Send money directly to Benny's GoFundMe ($5.00 minimum donation required) and then send our typist/mama an e-mail at pugsandpurrs(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
2. Send money directy to our Mama Mindy's paypal account.  Just log into your Paypal account and click send money and send it to our typist/mama at pugsandpurrs(AT)gmail(DOT)com.  Try to remember to leave a message to us about which raffle items you want your tickets to go to and we will be sure to e-mail you back letting you know we received the funds. If you forget, just e-mail our mama at that same address and let us know your choices for your raffle tickets.
3. If you need to mail your donation, just e-mail our typist/mama at pugsandpurrs(AT)gmail(DOT)com and let us know where you want your dollars to go (which items) and for who (you or your furiends)...mama will keep a detailed list for each item and try to update each day about who bought tickets for which item (if you buy for a furiend, we will put their name on ticket under the item you hope they should win).

The drawing will be held over the weekend (August 3rd & 4th) and be revealed on Monday's 12:00am CDT post.  All items will receive free shipping to ANY destination.  So...if you are far away, you need not fear...wesa will pay for the shipping to get it to you...yeah, you and you and you....WAY OVER THERE from OVER HERE.

Now...let the raffle ticket buying begin.  Feast your eyes on these canine lovelies.

Item #1--Mama Tea's Handmade Silvertone Dachsie charm necklace donated by the Kresty Krew
The necklace includes a silvertone Dachsie charm and a black net bag in which to place the 22" adjustable necklace.

Item #2--Benny's Brain Buddy Package

This package contains a Paw Hide interactive dog toy for the brain buster's in your household from small to large, it accommodates all.  Comes with a box of Milk-Bone MaroSnacks 30 oz.  Great for snacks or training treats (depending on your size of canine).

Item #3--Benny's Chillin' Out Package
This package includes a Freezy bone tray-small (snack size for small and large doggies) that makes 14 chilly bones of goodness in three different flavors--Sweet Potato N' Maple, Chicken Soup, and White Cheddar Cheese.

Item #4--Benny's Snacktime Package

This package includes an airtight dog treat jar that holds up to 40 oz. of delicious snacks.  Comes with one full box of Milk-Bone MaroSnacks to fill up 30 oz. of that container.

Wesa hope one or more items have intrigued you to part with a few dollars to help our Buddy Benny.

God Bless,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
PeeS...... there is ONE MORE Item that is NOT listed here... butt I don't have a picture of it...   it is a  SET of TWO  Ceramic Dogs... donated by the Houston Pittie Pack.          THE Slimmer Pugs will have that picture fur you... on their blog.     

and Just fur FUN.....     

NO she is NOT gonna be in the Raffle...     Who want want her, anyway.     


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Haha.....Poor little doggie. She looks like a MAMA doggie tooting her puppies around. We want her.
She could toot Prissy around cause she don't feel good and Mommy has to take her to the Vet. Prissy is not happy and neither is Mommy.


My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL MOL Frankie and Ernie you have an interloper amongst you.

PS Lana you are right there is something funky looking with your page. The right half of what you typed doesn't appear.
Hugs C

Unknown said...

We too couldn't read the right half. Maybe there is a gremlin in the works. Have a marvellous Monday and hope you are having some good weather.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

Blame the web page on the Snowmen! And can we blame them too for getting into Mama's head and freezing them brain cells and making her dress funny? She sure gave us a good chuckle this morning.

We're gonna go check out the Benny's Buddies raffle right now.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmm...I think Poopy Puddles has put a curse on the top of your page. Revenge fur posting her poopy pic yesterday! BOL

We'll have to check out the new raffle!

Cowspotdog said...

revenge of the puddles for sure - she messed up your page :)

Scooter said...

Wow, this auction is fabulous! I bet it raises lots of greenies for Benny. BOL to that last pix... hey, that's Mamaw! I want her! I want her! I want her! Can I bid? She's a ton of fun and gives great chin scritches. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

I would want your mom - she is great! Sadly the Wordpress-Gremlin has his evil paws on your post and he tried to confuse me - but I'm sure you can chase him away with a bean-shooter.

stellaroselong said...

we will run over and check out their page for sure!
stella rose

Idaho PugRanch said...

We have been to the Slimmers and are still deciding which of the great items we want tickets for.
The puppy banks are pretty cute.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Mollie said...

Bawahhwaawhahha love the photo, we haz bought'z lot'z of ticket'z :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Sketching with Dogs said...

BOL, so funny. We don't think you would want to part with her though!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

sprinkles said...

I've already figured out which raffle I want to enter! Friday is payday, so I'll send some $ out then.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We always laugh at your mum trying to blend in Blogville! BOL!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We love that picture of your mom, Frankie and Ernie! She's a fun mom!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

Are you sure we can't bid on that last doggie...she looks like fun ;) I think it's wonderful that Benny's pals are still working so hard to help him...Momz and I will go over now to check out the Slimmer Pugs place

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Oooo some more great prizes, just let us look for where Lady hid her credit card . . . . .