Friday, June 28, 2013


FURST...... thanks to EVERYBUDDY fur pawticipatin in the SUNGLASSES Day.  
Second.....  We are on our way to Pencil Vane E Ah today so we won't be around Blogville... until Tues. or Wed..        If you need us... you can Email SARGE and he will get word to us.

NOW fur the BIG BOOK REVIEW.....       A Guide to Braveries for Small Dogs    by Reuben the floppy tongue dachshund            Link to Reuben's blog 

Well now we would like to say that although this SAYS fur SMALL dogs...   it is chocked FULL of advice fur dogs of EVERY size...    
   We are talkin IMPAWTANT advice like how to pawtect your treats and your peeps and your yard and EVERYTHINGY that is YOURS.

Here we are.... checkin out Reuben's book.... come on MOM....   get up here on the bed and let's get to READIN this .

OMD   we see him wearin his CAVEdog SWEATER....   and another pic of Reuben with his HUMPY BED...     OMD this is grrrrrreat.

WOW what a super READ this is...  
   He tells us why ... EVERY HUMAN NEEDS A DOG MANAGER.... to bring them JOY and to TEACH the peeps thingys that they SHOULD KNOW.
    There is a LIST of the 5 food stuffs groups...   you won't want to miss THOSE...
   There are Frequent mentions of ...DOGTORS and their love of stealing OUR NUGGETS and collecting our Poops and Pees...     Lots of advice on how to avoid those thingys...
  OMD...  you MUST MUST get a copy of REUBEN's BOOK...  fur your own amusement and EDUCATION.  
     Stuffs like a COMPLETE Guide to HOW and WHEN to do your barkings.... Who doesn't want to know about THAT?    And PEE... OH the full and complete SCOOP on PEE...
YES folks you GOTTA give this book a LONG and THROUGH Read.
   You can get a copy of your OWN by going to     

HOT off the Presses....    if you would like to order  A Guide to Braveries for Small Dogs
by  Reuben   (Jamie Stroble)     you can go to        and it is ALSO available for KINDLES...         Once at the Amazon site just do a Search for the TITLE and the AUTHOR (Jamie Stroble)    AKA...  Reuben..                EZ PZ   we say   EZ PZ        We KNOW beclaws we checked it out fur you.     You will KNOW you have the right one when you see the Book with Reuben and his Typing RIGHTER.      Just Sayin.       AND wait until you see how many STARS it has there for his book!!!         We TOLD you it was a grrrrreat book.   

Reuben sent us a free copy to do this review about...     and WE are really thrilled that he did.   It is WONDERFUL.  


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Just checking to see if comments will show for Reuben's Book review.

OMD... these WEIRD BLOGS are AWFUL they are PORN... and NOT something I would EVER Follow...
NOT Email ... they are BLOGS.
I am SO CONCERNED... I have NO IDEA how this GARBAGE would EVER end up in my reading list...
I did report it to Blogger. Lana

Unknown said...

Re those I will email you.
We will get Reubens' book this weekend now that it is on kindle. Nice one Frankie
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Great review! I agree, every human needs a manager-dog - or they are lost in space. Have a wonderful weekend.

stellaroselong said...

Oh we are gonna order it this weekend on our kindle also, we read a book last night by russ ryan about his dog that visited him after he went to the rainbow bridge...we got it on kindle also, it is funny and sad!
stella rose

Millie and Walter said...

We will try to get our mom to buy the Kindle version. It sure sounds like a good read.

Millie & Walter

HH and The Boys said...

Sounds like a good one. Thanks for reviewing it.

Have a great day.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

Anonymous said...

We love it when we know the author personally! Hope you get your computer thingy fixed. Sounds like you need to change a password. Have a great weekend in PA!

Duke said...

This sounds like a great read, Frankie. We'll be checking it out!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

Thanks for this wonderful review Frankie! We are telling Mom to get for us! We think Rueben is too funny.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a scare! Hope things are okay now. Your blog looks fine. Have a great trip!

Unknown said...

Have fun in Pennsylvania!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job guys. We have been telling mom all along we are the manager
Benny & Lily

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are looking forward to reading Reuben's book when we have finished the one we are reading now, we just know it will be hee-larious!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

GizmoGeodog said...

Eggscellent book review guys...I'z plannin' to steel Momz green papers when she's sleeping and order REuben's book fur her Kindle...Small dogs like me need the whole story Have a super great time in PA and we'll see you next week!

Reuben said...

Boys, I is highly honored and dignitified by your words. Probably your hacker/spammer creature was a catses; usually they is up to no kind of good. I thinks everything is sorted out and I is very sorry you had to suffer those indignifications!

Does you know what? My mama and people sister was in Pencil Vane Ya today too! They went to a big place called "Fillydelfia," which I think is still far away from where Sarge lives. I hope you has as much funs as they did, and also that you is able to track down and dead the catses who attacked your most wonderful dogblog.

I's really so happy that you enjoyed my writings and I is also very happy that Book can go to Benny's auction!


Oskar said...

OMD, we LOVES Reuben. We are off to buy his book right now!!

Nubbin wiggles,

Lovable Lily said...

That was a pawsome review of Reubens book! We are going to work on getting a signed copy.

Lily Belle & Muffin