Sunday, May 12, 2013


In THIS country TODAY is when we Celebrate   Mother's Day.     We wanted to show you what Sarge's Mom gave to OUR mom.  Beclaws Our Mom is Sarge's Mom's Mom.     OK?

Furst this is an azalea that Lori gave to mom Three times ago..   it is blooming soooooo full and gorgeous this year...

 Oh yeah, and our columbine is blooming now too...  
 NOW...On to what Lori gave MOM THIS year...    She had NOTE CARDS made with MOM's VERY VERY VERY favorite Picture of US on it.       YES she did do that... and they Arrived and MOM almost FAINTED when she saw them... and guess what ELSE???  they are BLUE and you all KNOW that BLUE is Mom's Color...
 Isn't this the grrrrrrrreatest Mother's Day gift in the WORLD???     MOM is Over the Moon fur them..

BUTT... WAIT......................THERE'S MORE......      Lori ALSO got TICKETS so that she and MOM can go and see  the musical    OKLAHOMA !!!       
    WOW what a FAB Mother's day mom has ALREADY had.   

Now WE suppose you are wondering what WE are gonna give her...  WE are gonna Give her the bestest of All....         87 hours with US.      Watching us PLAY and DIG and EAT and stuffs.   



Dougall-the-Scottie said...

You guys did good!

Charlotte said...

OMD!!! What a pawsome prezzie!! And your hooman Mama deserves it too!

Have a pawsome Mother's Day from us!

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar & Schatzi

Unknown said...

You make the best gifts for mum. We say Happy Mothers' Day mum. We hope it is a special day filled with fun, treats and love. Enjoy your special day mum and have a serene Sunday too.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

Those are just the bestest gifts ever! We're glad to see the pretty shrub in bloom, such a beautiful color. Butt those note cards..... Those are really wicked cool! Good thing Mom didn't really faint and good thing the cards didn't have snowmen on them (bcuz then WE would have fainted.)

Butt spending time with you two is really the most special gift!

Happy Mom's Day to Mrs. F&E.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Ranger said...

What a grrrrrrrrrrreat gift your mom got from her mom. Enjoy your day with your mom.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Beautiful bloom, Love the color. Happy and ENJOY Mother's Day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Those note cards are super cute!!! And I know your Momma would love a full day of 87 hours of playtime with you. What a great giftie. Hope she has a wonderful day!

GOOSE said...

What a wonderful and touching gift. That Lori is sweet sweet. But what do you expect she is your mom's two legger. Happy Mother's Day to your mom.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy Mother's Day! The flowers are so pretty. Mommy's gonna take me with her when she goes to see Weenie today. I'm so excited.

Give your Mom a big hug from me.


Scooter said...

Hello, darlings. The gardens there are gorgeous and so elegant. We are all agog about the azalea and that color is the perfect choice for Spring. We are all so very glad that Mamaw Hand enjoys her pressies and we all wish her a very very joyful Mother's Day!!
Little Pinches,
Shelldon, Beachnut, Oceana

Anonymous said...

Wow that's just the bestes idea for a Mother's day... I love your picture - what a cool gift! Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

Idaho PugRanch said...

How sweet of Sarge's Mom to to give such great pressies to your Mom, who is also Sarge's Mom's Mom. Did we get that right? Think so Ha Ha. I gave the best pressie to my Mom this morning. I woke her up with lots of puggie kisses and NO hair pulling!!
Happy Mothers Day to your Mom
Bailey & Hazel too!

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Mother's Day to Frankie and Ernie's mom. We love the cards your sister made for her.

Millie & Walter

Agnes B. Bullock said...

PAWSOME gifts!

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Mother's Day Mom L.

Love Ruby & Penny

Xxooxx. Xxooxx

Duke said...

What wonderful gifts! Our mom so wishes she could keep an azalea alive in our yard but she can't so we're just going to enjoy yours☺
Happy Mother's Day to your mom, Frankie and Ernie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day to your mom!!! Will she be taking a ride in a surrey with the fringe on top?

Reuben said...

BOL, you gots a lucky mama there, to spend so much time with the both of yous! I thoughted you and Sarge was cousins, but now I think that Sarge is your uncle? Uncle Sarge; I likes the sound of that! Have a fantastical day.

Bocci said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! What fabulous gift!

My Mind's Eye said...

Lori Absolutely a very thoughtful and loving daughter.
We love the cards a ton! How did she do that?
Since Lori has bad hand BECLAWS she was allegedly mauled by Sarge....good thing she did her shopping early?..hugs
Madi your bfff

Duncan said...

Excellent notecards! Gonna put that one in my "great ideas" file! Happy Mother's Day!

Duncan said...

Excellent notecards! Gonna put that one in my "great ideas" file! Happy Mother's Day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy day to your mom
Benny & Lily

Sagira said...

Wow, those are some great mothers day gifts. Hope you two have a great time at the musical. :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yoo guys treet yore mama rite!!! happy mamas day!!! ok bye

Sketching with Dogs said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom!
Hope she has a wonderful day.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Pat Wahler said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mom. I know she'll enjoy Oklahoma. Such terrific music!

Critter Alley

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Little Ernie. Happy Mothers Day to your mum too. She deserves to be spoilt for sure. We let our mum sleep in for 87 seconds more than usual for her present. Take care mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It was Mother's Day here, too. We took HER on a LONG walk and session at the river where SHE could talk to other peeps...about us of course. And we ran around and didn't bother HER.

Guess what, HER favourite colour is blue as well. Even though the house ended up being green for some reason.

We know you made the day very special for your Mum.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Murphy said...

Wow, you sure did a good job of spoiling your mom! Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow that is a super pawsome gift!!! We are lucky pups to have such great Mommies to brag about.

Loveys Sasha

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy Mother's Day!

The Websters said...

Great...Now I have to listen to Mrs. Master belt out O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A Oklahoma....OK!

Thanks a lot.


PS. Those are some super duper presents.

Mollie said...

Happy Mothers Day and what bootiful flowers xxooxx

Mollie and Alfie

stellaroselong said...

How in the pug did we not know that Sarge's mom is your moms daughter..right....or is this pretend like those back packs my mom thought was real...anyway those flowers are pretty!!!!
stella rose

LetterstoAndrew said...

It sounds like your mom had one of the best mother's days ever!! I hope you let her sleep 87 minutes longer than you usually do.