Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thinking spring thoughts

Thinking of Spring...   Back in 2010 ... I (Frankie Furter) found a nest of BABY BUNNIES... in the tomato vine section of MY garden...
        I   absolutely LOVED them.     I would lay with them during the day when their mom was out doing her thingy...     I took care of them fur her.

 At furst they were soooooo tiny that they didn't even have their eyes open...   they were SO little that mom had trouble seeing them when I furst told her about the nest.
 I watched over them for DAYS and DAYS..
 They got Bigger and bigger and since I never did hurt them... they were NOT afraid of me.. even when their eyes opened and they could see that I really was NOT their mom.   I know it is hard to tell beclaws they slept all tight together and stuffs butt there actually were THREE of them. 
When they started to hop around... they would Follow me...      I wanted them to be my furends furever... butt they were WILD bunnies and one day... they heard the Call of the Wild and they hopped far far away.     I was sad for DAYS and DAYS.    
      MAYBE THIS SPRING... another momma bunny will have her babies in my garden.   If she does... I hope ERNIE doesn't do anythingy to them.   And then I will have NEW furends to watch grow.           
PeeS....    I had OTHER Bunny furends that I will tell you about.   THEY had NAMES and everything.


WFT Nobby said...

Gosh Frankie, is it right that you were so gentle with those bunnies? I don't think I would have been....
Toodle pip!

Mollie said...

Yikes Frankie, I would of probably chased them before I ate them..BOL, You are one spechualls caring dude :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Now Frankie.....remember what happened with those wild the time they made you scream like a little girl!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...


I's been kind of missing in action cause of my inner nut actin up again. Da Momma was on da phoney wit dem all morning yesterday. They figured out that sometin in our area is interfering with the signal. They coming out tomorrow to sees if they can find it....probably squirrels with radar guns. Right now it takes like 87 hundred minutes just to load a page to look at it. So I's not lookin at too many pages.

Unknown said...

Wow Frankie! What can we say but we'd probably be like Mollie.Hope you get some this Spring. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

Wow Frankie, we never thought of you as a "surrogate Mother!" That is so totally pawsome :)

I bet those little babies were happy to have you around to protect them all of the time. That is a big responsibility on your part.

We just bet that you will be seeing some more babies around real soon.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet. Hopefully you'll have some new bunny friends this spring too.

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, those bunnie babies are so cute! Almost too cute to wanna bash...almost. BOL I'd have to use my strongest self control. Mom says maybe they ran off to find Hazel or Fiver. She says Mamaw will understand that. hmmm
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

rottrover said...

Dear Frankie,

We hope that you can keep Ernie away from any baby bunnies. We don't want him to confuse them with stuffies. YOU are such a sweet and gentle sole...

-Bart, Ruby and Otto (who deaded a ground squirrel the other day!)

LetterstoAndrew said...

That is so sweet of you Frankie! I do hope you get some more bunnies this year!

GOOSE said...

Oh Frankie that is so cool and very sweet. You made MOM smile a whole lot with that. Thank you. I sure hope you get another batch of bunnies this year.

Millie and Walter said...

Those baby bunnies are so cute!


Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh wow, I don't think I could've had that much restraint. Even though they're babies, they're BUNNIES! Hmm. But maybe if they didn't run, I wouldn't think of chasing them.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh My gosh Frankie this was soo sweet it made Mom's eyes get a little leaky.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute, my mom is melting away now... She had two Bunnies as she was a child, they had names too: Michael Jackson and Andre Agassi (I know mom was a silly kid)

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cute Frankie. Remember when Ernie was that tiny. Hope they come back again this year
Benny & Lily

Noodles said...

BABY BUNNIES????? That is so cool! My Mommy #2 said she found a nest of baby bunnies when she was young. Most of the babies had died (I guess the mommy disappeared for some reason) but her friend saved 2 and they grew to be big bunnies AND lived to an old age.
Love Noodles

The Websters said...

You did NOTHING to them? NOTHING AT ALL?

Hmm...Mrs. Master wants me to ask you to teach me your ways.



Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh Frankie, what a wonderful dog you are to look after those babies and make sure they were safe. It brought a tear to Mum's eye reading that.
Thanks for your great advice about the cell phone internets, we will have to look into it.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Sam said...

I vaguely remember this! You blogged about it back then, didn't you?

Nothing cuter than a baby bunny.

Sam & MargeDog

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie what a sweet and precious story. OMDs I had no idea you had such a soft spot for the cotton tails....are you sure you are a Dachshund? MOL

We had a family of bunnies last year too they were so sweet. We hope we have more this year too
Hugs Madi your BFFF

stellaroselong said...

Frankie i think this story should be on the world news or something big like that cos we need alot more kindness in the world within the human species. You have a big ole softie heart don't cha!
stella rose

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We remember those bunnies.....and The Charcoals. Maybe one of those babies will remember it's safe home and have some more for you.

We'd probably chase them.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

♥ Sallie said...

I love those bunnies! I hope more come to visit you this year. :)


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Mr Frankie, this just proves what a special, kind and gentle dog you are. We hope you get more bunnies to care for cause we want to see them too. Mum says we would probably try and play chasey with them cause we are doofer heads. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwww - the baby bunnies are so adorable and we're so happy that you were their friend, Frankie.
Mom found a dead baby bunny not far from it's nest a couple of days ago and she felt so bad. We don't know why he died.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

They are so adorable Frankie and you were so good to be nice to them and not hurt them...Hope you get a chance to care for more of them this year

Murray's Mouth said...

We'd LOVE to find bunnies. Not to hurt them but to chase them!

Dachshund Nola said...

YOu didn't eat them?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow man, have you ever tried rabbit stew?

Ruby said...

Wows! You are one sweet dude Frankie!! I am very impressed at your self control! I've never seen bunnies myself, butts I thinks they would be all kinds of funs to chase! I likes chasin' things, ya know! BOL
You keep an eye outs for those bunnie nests ~ I thinks they'll be back...they know you'll keep a good eye.

Unknown said...'re just a big softie aren't you? We knew it!! That's ok...everybuddy should have a soft side, something about it balancing your zen or aura or liver function
Wally & Sammy

marley said...

You must be a very magical dog to be doin that for them bunnies my pal....our Lola eats em all up! But this mornin we had some birds on our back step collectin her stray furs to use in their nests so she do ave her uses.....