Saturday, October 20, 2012

Last Blush of Fall....

OMD OMD    RUN don't Walk to your SPAM Folder... Check to see if it has been STEALING our good furend   BERT's   comments.     He told about it Yesterday on his blog... and when I checked MY Spam ... there were like 87 of his comments being held prisoner there.   I broke them out... INSTANTLY.             I am so sorry this happened to Bert's Comments.        So PLEASE check to be sure that your Spam hasn't Canned BERT's Words.   
{{{{{{   SIGH    }}}}}        I just Hate to see all the pretty leaves fall to the ground.      THIS is the view from our BACK DECK.... off the SUN PORCH...   This is what we call our THICKET...   We love to dig and hunt and stuffs in there...

 This is another view from the back deck... you can see a little pawt of our driveway... and one of my favorite FLAGS...      on the side of a maple tree.     (NOT MY FAVORITE ONE THOUGH.. THAT is WAY over the crest of our hill and WAY down at the BOTTOM of it.)    
I am going to be REALLY sad when all the leaves are down... and the trees are NEKKID and it is always DARK and COLD.   BAH...   Give me Spring and SUMMER when the outdoor playin is FUN and EASY.


Unknown said...

We love Fall but do not look forward to the dark and cold. Up-side plenty of squiggles to chase. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

We are sad too. We sit on our deck because we've been having some good fall weather and the little leaves just gently fall down around us. We hate the dark mornings and darkness that comes so early at night these days. But soon we will be in Florida and at least (hopefully) it will be warm. You can come and visit us if you need a winters break!

Your trees are beautiful!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful colors in your yard! Yes it will be sad to see them go butt you can play in the leaf piles and then when Winter comes you can play in the snow! :)

Have fun at the pumpkin patch my furiends :)

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors in your trees! I just love the fall, enjoy it while it's here!

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, your thicket is so colorful and pretty! I bet there's a lot to do in there. Your flag looks a bunch like my yard flags...all about Fall ya'll! BOL. Don't you love how those leaves crunch and crackle under our paws?!?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Scooter said...

Hey again!
Wow, you were really right-on about those spam comments! By the way, I totally love that canned spam food stuff. Anyway, I checked and I had a bunch of imprisoned comments! Bert, and even Sprinkles and Ruthie were stuck there. Thanks so much for the heads-up about that!!!!

Pat Wahler said...

Your trees are beautiful. I do enjoy fall. The crisp cool air feels so nice...especially after all the 100 degree summer days we had!

Critter Alley

How Sam Sees It said...

We have been checking that spam folder for a couple of days now - sometimes the OP Pack shows up in there too!


Millie and Walter said...

Such pretty fall leaves. Too bad they have to fall off the trees and make a mess of the yard.

Cindy & Millie

Ziggy Stardust said...

I like the pretty leaves. We live off of something called a marsh or mush or something, but there are tons of beautiful trees and they are all dropping their fall gifts all over our back yard. It does get kind of gloomy in the winter, but we also get deer families that visit, so that is cool also. Your yard is really pretty.

Loveys Sasha

The Army of Four said...

We had 2 days of 30-40 mph winds, with gusts up to 70 mph. Our leaves were really nice, but by now, they've probably flew past your house and are somewhere on the East Coast by now.
We LOVE your colors!
Play bows,

My Mind's Eye said...

We had lots of wind yesterday so it was raining leaves here too.
Your gold leaves are very pretty.
hugs Madi your BFFF

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Come visit us!

That is a beautiful thicket. We'd love to dig and hunt and roll in the leaves there.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow....our leaves never change clothes like that. They always just look the same no matter what time of year it is. BORING...

PeeS...My Mommy Just Emailed Your Mommy!

rottrover said...

F & E, your leaves are SO beautiful!! You are lucky to have so many beautiful outside places to run and DIG!!

-Bart and Ruby

Barb said...

Hi Frankie & Ernie,
looking at your beautiful thicket, and your hill etc, makes me feel homesick, but how can you feel home sick for someplace that is not your home, I love your Hill.
Never mind about the darkness and the cold, just makes you appreciate things when spring and summer come back. My boys Billy and Toby send you heaps of snifs and tail wags, they are growing so fast, but still not big enough to leave their own comments. give your Mum and Dad an extra lick from me. take care Hugs and wags from Aussie Barb

Duke said...

We checked our spam folder and sure enough, Bert's comments were in there. We released them too, Frankie!
Your autumn leaves are stunning! We hate to see all of the leaves fall too. They're so beautiful just the way they are!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I agree with Daisy, you should come Down Under. We're starting to warm up, it's been about 30C here the last couple of days!

Murphy said...

What?? All the leaves will fall?? We never had autumn before so we did not know that was going to happen. No, we love this weather and the pretty colors too!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

Oh loved the pics, how about sending us some of that, shouldn't cost very much by Fedex for a dozen trees or so, oh and a hill.

We are sad, Doesn't look like Bert has been coming by here!

Your Pals Susie & Bites

Berts Blog said...

Oh Frankie, thanks for passing the word around about me being a "Spam" Commenter. I was so chocked to find out I was a "Spammer"
We still have our beautiful leaves too, but I gotta say your yard looks incredible.
I am going to miss our leaves too.

Dachshund Nola said...

I wish we had leaves that change color like that!

Jo's World said...

Nothing that brightens up those dark days like several many huge, enormous snow banks, and yards filled with snow. Zoomies in the snow! Whats more fun than that!

Its coming, you probably don't get enough snow to really have fun in it, like we do. Think about it, it will be fun, Frankie nd Ernie!


Wyatt said...

I like your purty tree, Frankie. I wish I could save all the purty leaves and stuff em' all in my dog house to have furever and furever!


Bassetmomma said...

It is sad when all the leaves start to fall but then the pretty white stuff comes and it adorns all those empty branches. Plus is fun to play in! If it's gonna be cold, ya might as well have some pretty white fluff to play in!:)

FiveSibesMom said...

We just love the Autumn colors too! It's all way too short of a season. Beautiful pics!

marley said...

Dat looks bootiful are lucky to ave such a wunnerful place to live...very purrty