Thursday, September 13, 2012


As CURRENT Mayor of Blogville....   I would like to say a HOOOOOOOGE THANK YOU...
to the Teachers of Yesterday's Back to School Classes.

  Now we THINK we got all the Teachers and the Extra Helpers..... like Puddles and Sasha and PIP and Sarge included in this picture... butt if we did miss YOU... we are very much sorry. 
    The Classes were just AMAZING.    We Studied and we Lissened most of the time and MOST of us were VERY well behaved except fur a class clown Puddles and Goose and few tiny problems.           
           I think that our Back to School Bash Classes were even better this year than Last.   And that is beclaws of the WONDERFUL TEACHERS.       I know that the foods were all deliciious and the whole day was filled with water balloons rubbery bands spit wads  LAUGHTER ...  VERY GOOD FURENDS.          
 If you did not have time yesterday.... please go to Mona and Weenie's Blog and Get yourself a ride on Weenie's Bumble Bee...  Or the YELLOW PLANE or Buy an Apple fur your favorite Teacher(s) from the classes you took... OR buy a Door Prize Raffle ticket fur the GORGEOUS SCARF that Madi's MOM CROCHETED.. or a chance on the Two Book set.     All you need to do is Click on the CHIP IN thingy when you get there and enter the amount you are putting in.        REMEMBER this is to help Miss Sandra and the Houston Pittie Pack and the new Baby.           When we reach $500.00  there is a super lady who is gonna MATCH that Amount!!!   We have a good ways to go... so I hope you will click on the link above here     Miss Sandra will really appreciate it.      THANKS
    Now I need to make somethingy VERY Clear....    I have already served Blogville as Mayor fur TWO TERMS...   and can NOT run fur re-sentencing election....I am gonna get BeTired.    BUTT the good news is...
Miss MADI... or DIVA     IS  running fur Mayor of Blogville.     SO...  please Vote fur MADI fur Mayor  on November 6th..     
    One more thingy....    we are going to be away on a family vacation from SATURDAY until like WEDNESDAY...     No InterMutts...   beclaws we are going to be staying in a CABINET in the woods.          I just wanted you to know...   


Finn said...

You have an outstanding mayor!!! Thank you for all of your hard work in Blogville. Enjoy your vacation!

My Mind's Eye said...

BTSB was a wonderful success your vacay is well deserved...enjoy and get lots of rest
hugs madi

Unknown said...

We will vote for Madi and have a great time in the woods.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Wow! A cabinet in the woods. Nothin better than that! Hope there aren't any rogue "squirrels" hiding out there. Have Fun!

stellaroselong said...

After I had a good nights sleep I woke up to realize I did have a fun day at school..I am just a little pug who does not go out of my comfort zone very often so I tend to get anxious when something new comes my my mom thinks literally so she had a hard time figuring out things....thanks for taking me under your paw ernie..have a nice vacation in the woods!
stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

Aww, I don't think I'm in the picture. And I got all dressed up and everything.

I have a question -- I bought an apple for some of my teachers. How do they get told about it? Do they get a peemail, or is there a list?

Anonymous said...


Your Good Furends
Susie & Bites

Bassetmomma said...

Yay for the teachers!! Enjoy your vacation! :)

Murphy said...

We aren't sure we can adjust to a new mayor!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

The Websters said...

Oh, Madi is fabulous!

Enjoy your vacation!


Two French Bulldogs said...

This was so much fun Mayor! Thank you
Benny & Lily

Sweet William The Scot said...

Hellooo Frankie & Ernie ~ I am sorry but I cannot get Monday off from work. Hope you and Lori have a fun time in Cincinnati.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot & Lee

sprinkles said...

My boys yapped up a storm yesterday about how much fun they had and everything they learned. Thanks for all of your hard work.

I'm gonna miss having Frankie as mayor.

Have a great vacay!

Ruby said...

I just LOVED all the classes, and I proclaim BTSB a HUGE success!!
I think you have been an outstanding Mayor Frankie! We thank you for your service!
Have a fabulous time on your va-ca in the woods!



Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, I'm totally worn out and all dog-tired after the big BTSBash yesterday! I had a blast and I'm sure everyone else did too. My brain is definitely full. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Have a grrrreat time! We went to EVERY class--each had a ride on the yellow plane and bought a couple of apples.

Another great event in Blogville.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We observed a couple of the classes from the back of the room and they were fabulous and we learned a whole lot!
Have fun at your cabinet, Frankie. We hope it's roomy enough!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Gosh Mr. Frankie, you've been a super mayor! I'm sorry I wasn't able to pawticipate in the Back-to-School classes, it sounds like they were pawesome! Have fun at your vacayshun cabinet!



Oskar said...

Oh Frankie, we're going to miss you as our Mayor!

Nubbin wiggles,

Reuben said...

Hatfield the orange kitty loves sleeping in cabinets, so I hopes you guys will love it too. You is a totally awesome mayor Frankie, is you sure they has term limits? Maybe you could apply to be a dictator or something?


Dachshund Nola said...

Enjoy your trip!

Ziggy Stardust said...

School was a total blast!! I had so much fun. Have a great vacation and watch out for ticks and stuff. Maybe you and Ernie can wear socks outside.

Loveys Sasha

Ziggy Stardust said...

p.s. Madi for Mayor!!

lovey Sasha

Lorenza said...

It was grrrreat!
I really loved all the classes!
Have fun on your vacation!
Yes. Very well deserved!
Kisses and hugs

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Little Ernie, although we only made it to a couple of classes we loved it and loved our backpacks from Sarge. School was fun BUTT we learned stuffs too. Cool. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

ShellePenn said...

Have a great vacation!!

And THANK YOU for allowing us to teach!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Here, here! It was great fun!