Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ernie Turned ONE Year Old Aug. 2nd.

 THAT is Ernie's First EVER birfday Balloon.    He LOVED it.   And So did I.   We used to to Play PAWty Games... Like CHASE the BIRFDAY BOY with his Balloon.    It was a SUPER Game.   Sarge got a Balloon TOO... butt I'll show that to you tomorrow.      We celebrated Lori's Birfday along with Ernie's and Sarge's and Sarge's Dad's and the Crabby Girrrrrls... Beclaws THEY all have their special days REALLY close together.    It was Super.   A Weekend to REMEMBER.
 Here is Ernie getting ready to have another Balloon Race.
 Just look at that boy GOOOOOOOOO...     You SHOULD have HEARD him SCREAMING.   It was Grrrrreat I tell you.   JUST GRRRREAT.       LOVE PAWty Games!!
 Then we played THIS grrrrreat game...  I took my treat dispenser thingy that Sagira and Bokeh gave me a long time ago...  and then we had mom and Lori put treats in it and tie the Balloon on and WOW was THAT ever a FUN Game...    I (Frankie Furter) WON the PRIZE fur this game.
 This is US Enjoyin Some GUY time together... on Ernie's Big Day.    Sarge and I kept tellin him stuffs about when he was just a baby puppy... like when he used to have to have Cheese fur Pees and his teefs fell outta his mouf and stuffs like that.    Ernie kept getting all Red in the face over that stuffs.
 THEN Ernie got to open the pressie that I (his BIG brother) gotted fur him.
 He got a blue stuffie RING... which he DEADED in like 87 seconds.   AND he got a Brown Squeakie Stuffie Bone   .... and do you see what he has there...  YES it is a HOOGE SQUIRREL Stuffie.   He is STILL working on De-stuffing THAT thingy..     Butt he only plays and squeaks the bone... SO FAR.
After that... we had Banilla Chilla I Scream... butt that was GONE SOOOOO fast that no buddy could get Pictures of it.   SARGE ate HIS in ONE GULP.
   It was a GRRRRRREAT Furst Birfday fur Ernie.   He is still yappin about it.   I'm just sayin.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Too cute, just too cute.
Happy belated Barkday little fella.


the teacher's pets said...

Happy 1st birthday, Ernie! You are too cute! I love the balloon race pictures the best b/c they show you are having a really pawsome time!

Finn said...

Happy first birthday Ernie! Looks like a great time!

Frank The Tank said...

Happy first birthday Ernie! Happy birthday to you all - it looks like you had a great day and that it was so much fun! I love the balloon ties to Ernie bless him, i bet he looked so cute waddling along with it floating above him! Awww cute! It looks like you all had a blast! Love, Licks and Hugs from Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Princess Jasmine said...

Wow, Happy First Birthday Ernie. Looks like you had a fantastic time. The balloon racing looks like great fun. Do you know what my hoomans do to us with balloons? They rub the balloon on our furs and then the silly balloon sticks to us and follows us everywhere :) xx

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wowies! you guys sure know how to have a good time! I hope I get a great party like that for my first barkday!

The Websters said...

You're mom is the best party planner ever!


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

WOWZERZ WOWEEEEE - that shure duz look like sum really great barkday fun! Happee b-lated Barkday Ernie.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Pee-Ess Thank-u fur the PSA yestaday - mom needz a new modem - hopefully get it tuenite so we can tell u 'boutz her makin'the house scream - after we due an overdue yummy product review.

Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, that was a really great party fur sure! Little Ernst isn'g Little Ernst anymore. Sigh. Just Ernst now that he's a big boy. Those balloons were a riot! Lots of screaming. Speaking of screaming, that icescreaming was delish! Yup, one big Sarge gulp. Ernst definitley scored great pressies and I'm so glad we all got to party together. Gee, let's do it all over again next year! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Party Animal

Remington said...

Happy Birthday! A year already....I am happy it was a great day!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow! A furst birthday is a really BIG DEAL! Happy birthday, Ernie. I love your balloon!

Scout and Freyja said...

Ernie, one is just about the BEST birf-day ever! Have a great day☺.

Unknown said...

HAPPY HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY Ernie. We see you had a wonderful time. Have a lovely Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

We're sorry that Muffin and I could make the pawty, butt we was very busy with the Olympics. Otherwise you know we would have come over to celebrate all the fun with everyone.

Happy birthday to one and all!

Lily Belle

Patrice and Higgins said...

Wow, sounds like Ernie's First Birthday was a blast!!!


Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD, I cannot beleef Ernie be ONE alreddy! Happy Birfday, Ernie! Wot great games and prezzies. Welcome to the TERRIBULL TWOS! Oh, wot a fun year this will be. Cut loose, Ernie. Ummm, I better hit "Publish Your Commenty" afore mom comes and scentsors this. Bai.

Bassetmomma said...

Well Happy 1st Birthday Ernie!! What a weekend full of celebrations you guys had. :)

WFT Nobby said...

A belated Happy Birthdat Ernie. Can it really be a year. Frnakie, you must be so proud of your once wee protegee.
Toodle pip!

Douglas said...

Happy first birthday Ernie!


Jo's World said...

Happy Birthday, Ernie! It looks like your party was a huge deal and I know you had a ton o' fun.

Since I knew you when you were a baby pup, I can say what a wonderful big guy you have become.


Tucker said...

One year already? Holy smokes - happy belated barkday!

woof - Tucker

stellaroselong said...

Did you suck the helium out of it so yu could have a high squeaky voice...what wonderful presents and a fun day!!
Happy Birthday
Stella Rose

ShellePenn said...

What a great pawty!!! :)
We love the games and the great gifts! So glad you could spend all the birthdays together!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Random Felines said...

Happy (late) Birthday Ernie!! Sorry we missed it. The party looked like lots of fun.

Dachshund Nola said...

That is just too cute!!! Either Ernie's legs are really long or his chest isn't furry deep. I Have a major chest for my 9lb frame; 17 inches! He's so furry handsome! Just like his big bro

George said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ernie. Wow a year already!! glad you had alot of fun
Have a Good week
See Yea George xxx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! FUN 1st Barkday and good to see Sarge. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe he is a year old already! It sounds like you had a great time Frankie. Please wish Ernie a Happy Belated Birthday from me. :-)

HoundDogMom said...

Happy Belated Barkday, Ernie. Looks like you had a lots of great fun. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Corbin said...

Happiest of Birthdays to Ernie!!! I can't believe it's been a whole year!

Ruby said...

Yowsa, you look like you had a FABULOUS brthday!! Those ballon games look mighty fun! I'll have to try that on my brthday (you listenin' Ma?) That is quite a haul of brthday pressies!! Yea!



booahboo said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Burfday Ernieeeeeeeeeee.. wow.. you are so so so very young! Have a blast and hopefully you'll get lotta lotta noms and pressies.

woofs n licks,

The Army of Four said...

Happy belated birthday, little buddy!!!

Scooter said...

Happy 1st Birthday Ernie!! looks like fun with all of the games!!


My Mind's Eye said...

Ernie Happy belated 1st B-day to you and all your family who celebrated together. I love balloons too.
That looks like such a fun game.
You are one lucky Doxie to belong to such a nice family and have such a loving big Bro
hugs Madi your BFFF

Pat Wahler said...

Happy birthday, Ernie! Looks like you had one heck of a great party!

Critter Alley

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Happy Happy belated Barkday wishes to Ernie! We can't believe him is 1 all ready! It looks like it wuz a fun day fur every buddy!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Duke said...

Happy 1st birthday, Ernie! We are so happy that you got ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Fantastic birthday!!!

Poor Ernie, we know what it's like when they bring up those baby stories...major embarrassment.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Mr Frankie and Happy Birthday Little Ernie, what a fabulous birthday. We love how you all got together and played games and stuffs and then got to eat I scream and Little Ernie got grreat presents. Bet everyone was egghausted by the end. See ya mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...


Now me has 1 question!! Ready??


Two French Bulldogs said...

One already!!!! Happy Birthday sweet Ernie
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy late birthday!!!

Stop on by for a visit

sprinkles said...

What a pawsome birthday! Happy Belated Birthday, Ernie!

Stewey said...

Happy Belated First Birthday, Ernie! Hope you had a pawsome day!