Saturday, July 14, 2012

First TOMATO.....of 2012

We got to pick our FIRST RIPE TOMATO the other day.

 Mom shared it with Ernie and ME... and Put some in a Chef's Salad for Their  supper.
Summer is GRRRRREAT... when it isn't TOO HOT and Too DRY...    

If you Need...  Email Addys to send your Olympics Pics to.. or the LINKS to the Event HOSTS... PLEASE  go to my POST   dated       7/12/12


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow! That looks so tasty! Was a it good?

the teacher's pets said...

My mom loves tomatoes especially when they are big like your parent's tomato and she puts them in salads too! To me, tomatoes aren't as good as milk bones but I guess my mom won't ever believe me!
My mom is finally getting her butt in gear to blog most every day so I'm hoping her next step is to get me in on this Olympics thingy...paws crossed that she gets it together because I'm ready to compete!

Finn said...

YUM! That salad looks delicious! Glad you got to taste a little!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

When the parents went to see Grandpa he sent back tons of tomatoes with them. Mommy says he has tomato trees this year (no kidding they are over 6ft tall) . They sure are tasty.

ShellePenn said...

I think I would rather have your dinner than mine last night!! Yummmmmyyyy!!

I hate to tell you how many maters we've had (and given away) this year... But we planted a crapload of them. But we're actually down more than we should be because of that blossom end rot.

I know what you said about planting in the same place, but I promise, they are not even close to the same place. I'm thinking a combination of the weather and soil done did my maters in.

Total I'm making tomato sauce and canning. :D that is after picking up something I've ALWAYS wanted... a 14.8 cu feet freezer. I'm gonna be calling for a 1/4 cow and 1/2 pig to be processed and packed for me ASAP. Then we will all (humans and 4 leggers alike) will be eating high on the hog (uhm, cow) for a long while!!

Have a GREAT weekend! And stay away from that coughin' fit you had about the coffee -wink-

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

My goodness. That salad is making Mommy droll over here. We had our breakfast already but she didn't. Salad for Breakfast? Why not.


Scooter said...

Hey F-n-E!
Wow, Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs sure have green thumbs in their garden! I bet it was delish. Very healthy looking salad...I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Congrats on the first Tomato...... mum can't wait for Spring here to start thinking about her vege garden's really depressing at the moment!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Sheltie Times said...

Great tomatoes. Something killed our cucumbers, but our tomatoes are coming along.

Matilda the Boxer said...

That looks yummy! My momma can't grow anything, so our only food comes from the store.

Unknown said...

Wooo We love home groen veggies! We just did a post on our GREEN CORNER about two dishes we made with 100% homegrown products! It's so much funier to cook that plain old supermarket veggies!
Lots of slobber,

Unknown said...

Rubbing salt in our wounds Frankie, we have not even got flowers on our tom plants. The grey skies and continuous rain has ruined all our crops. Have a bumper harvest and think of us.
Best wishes Molly

The Army of Four said...

Our mom is drooling! She says there is NOTHING better than a home-grown tomato!
PLay bows,

Asta said...

You and Ewnie awe vewy lucky to have yoow own home gwown bwight wed tomato..thewe is nothing like it!!! fwesh and juicy and lushuss..that chef salad looks GWEAT! too.
smoochie kisses

Ruby said...

Ah, Ma just LOVES tomatoes!! She eats them like apples. Tomatoes are one of the only veggies I like, so Ma usually shares with me....Yummy!



Dachshund Nola said...

Wow! Ours have been gone for a month already!

Duke said...

We can't wait to taste our first homegrown tomato, Frankie and Ernie. We have lots of green ones but no red ones yet!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sankissjuice said...

Those tomatoes look so yummy. And your food is super colourful and nutritious. I think piggies are wheeking for some now.

I'll be back,

My Mind's Eye said...

Frankie I almost came through the monitor when I saw that yummy tomato and OMDs Mom wants a chef salad now.

Hugs from your BFFF

K9 Katastrophie said...

Great tomatoe! Ours got eaten by cat-er-pillars.


Berts Blog said...

MMMM my Vickie loves fresh tomatoes adn cottage cheese. Dont ya just love summer gardens......

Tibi & Toby said...

I'm now very much rummaging the www and found your blog ....
I quickly put it on my blog list because he missed me so much and I do not want to post more of you.
Greetings from Sylvia and Beagle Tibi
ich habe heute ganz viel im www gestöbert und deinen Blog gefunden....
ganz schnell setzte ich ihn auf meine Blogliste, weil er mir so gut gefällt und ich keinen Post von dir mehr verpassen möchte.
Liebe Grüße von Sylvia und Beagle-Tibi

Dexter said...

Tomatoes fresh from the garden are the best!


GOOSE said...

Oh how I love tomatoes. My MOM planted a cherry tomatoes plant in a big pot just for me. It's on the patio. I can go get them any time I want. But I also help my self to the ones in the garden too.

Kari in Alaska said...

That looks good!

Stop on by for a visit

Hannalei said...

Mmmm it's 6:03pm, no din din yet and that sounds delish with a hint of salt sprinkled on top. Now I want a Tomato. ;) Your hooparents salads look yummy too!!

Sarah & the Weens

Scooter said...

WaHooo...the first tomato!! it looks so yummy that I am drooling right here on the puter!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Veggies out of the garden are the best
Benny & Lily

Bailey Be Good! said...

Yeah... those red things. Don't like 'em.

But glad you did!

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Mommy goes kookoo for tomatoes. She eats them all the time. I hope you liked them, but I hope you didn't have to eat yucky lettuce with them like Mommy does. Yuck.

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

That is one good lookin tomato there Frankie! Mom says you've inspired her to make chef's salad for din din tonight! I always get to sample some ;) Thanks pal! :)

Waggin at ya,

Bassetmomma said...

Woo-hoo! What an awesome looking tomato!! That salad looks pretty yummy too!

sprinkles said...

That salad looks sooooo good! I bet that tomato made it taste extra special. That was nice of your mom to share it with you two.