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Here we are getting ready for ... COMPETITIVE NAPPING........... This one is UBER EASY fur ALL OF US. RIGHT? |
Now ERNIE wanted to try his paw at BALANCE BEAM...... I think he needed a WIDER Beam. BUTT I CHEER fur his Effort.
NIPPY FACES.... wasn't too difficult fur us... we just grabbed a bag of treats... and got UP CLAWS and Pawsonal with our... HOLDS... YEP... it was a bit of NIPPY Of the FACE fur sure. They are ALSO having COMPETITIVE NIP BLISS OUT AND Ernie and I thought that we could get DOUBLE DUTY outta this and show you OUR Idea of BOTH events..
Now while ERNIE was working on his BALANCE BEAM skills... he discovered that he could ALSO try out fur HIGH JUMP....... Cool Ernie... Two EVENTS fur the Price of ONE. Way to go. THAT is being VERY creative fur sure!!! Sometimes this BROTHER of my is kinda SMART.
Ernie... being still a PUP and all was really quite glad to take some time off from trainin fur the Kitty EVENTS... and give ....FIERCEFUL YAWNING a whirl. Not bad fur a pup... it is kinda difficult fur the Young'uns to really LOOL fierce.
Now these are just some Ideas.... of ways that EveryBuddy can join in with the Kitties and make this a REAL Olympics to REMEMBER...
To find all LINKS and other Information about the COMBINED OLYMPICS go to
Http://petblogginggames.blogspot.com I made it a LINK BUTT I suggest you WRITE this Addy Down and Keep it Handy..
When you go there ALL the Combined Events will be listed in Alphabetical order... from Balance Beam clear down to Window Nose Art... SO MANY of them!!! What a grrrreaat SELECTION.... and I'm thinkin you REALLY CAN get into them ALL. YEP, you CAN!!
Ernie and I have just shown you how EASY and FUN it is .... and the KITTIES really WANT us. Isn't that the BESTEST PAWT of ALL???
PeeS..... I am really worried about our Furends in Colorado and Florida. Mayzie is keeping us posted about the horrid FIRE... butt I have not heard ANYTHING from ROO in Florida. Let us all cross our paws that EVERYONE is SAFE in BOTH areas.
AND...Attention HonnaRooRoo fans.... beclaws Indiana and Shingo and Molly who Always act as our TOUR GUIDES for it... are having some sad bad Family SICKIES... they have asked that we GO AHEAD AND KEEP OUR TRAVEL PLANS....... We can just post thingys on our OWN BLOGS... I am going to have a HonnaRooRoo post every day starting July 1st... and going to and including July 4th...... Let's GO TO to HonnaRooRoo and do it as a TRIBUTE to the FEISTY THREE !!! We will take them with us ..... IN OUR HEARTS... you may use the above LINK to their blog to leave some nice words and tell them how much we are missing them.
Remember.... DEADLINES are NOT the SAME Cat Deadline is FRIDAY July 13th. Blogville Deadline is July 18th....
We are thinking of Roo too. Hope they are ok down in FL!
Good morning Frankie and Ernie..
We love your 'counter' surfing and Ernie that last picture of you cracked us up!!
Hugs Madi and Mom
Mayor Frankie is it too early to submit pictures to hosts of the Cat Blogosphere?
My assistant cannot find an beginning date.
Hugs Madi
I am worn out already just reading about it all - I must be so unfit, I gotta train harder so I have! Love Barnie x
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, you two are really hitting the training hard! You're in great form already and I'm getting ready for these cat events too. Even the crabby girls are getting involved! I'll update the BCC about those deadlines...agree with Madi that there doesn't seem to be a start date for the cat events.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Oh you are so creative!
Best wishes Molly
I can't wait to see all the action at the Olympics. You boys are going to keep the other competitors on their toes.
I'm so impressed with how hard you and Ernie are working! I'm going to really step it up this weekend and get some serious work done.
OH I forgot about the napping one. i best get practicing that right now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ernie is doing great and smart thinking about doubling up for events.
Great blog post, Frankie. I want you to know how much we appreciate your support of all the events. Sure hope that lots of doggies will participate in the cat events too..... It's fun.
pawhugs, Max
You is in proper trainin my pals. I dunno how I is goin to compete wiv all that. I haz a bad heart...is there a paralympics?
Great post about all that is going on!! Wow!! I love that the kittehs are being so adventurous and joining in the fun. We don't nearly have enough kitteh friends so we need to check out their events and the people entering!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
So many events! Can't wait!
The balance beam looks like a really good event for Ernie. He just needs to keep trying!
Mom and I love that quilt you guys are napping on!
We cant wait!! This is going to be soooo much Fun!! Little Ernie did awesome at the balance beam - so cute!
We have relatives near Roo, and they called to say they were okay
Wow, you guys are really preparing well!!!
Your friends,
Murphy & Stanley
Careful Frankie, they might make you an honorary cat!
Love Ernie's balance beam....pups, they have no idea..
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
My BFF Madi better be swishing her tail very good at these Olympics! If I have to sit next to a cat I will sit next to Madi.
Thanks for being a friend.
Sweet William The Scot
Hi Frankie & Ernie! I've missed you two! I am just starting to catch up, and I hope I'll be able to enter a couple of the events.
Hope you two are well! :)
Woofs & huggies to you! <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
We see who won the napping event
Benny & Lily
You two have been training very hard!
Kisses and hugs
Frankie, thank you for those outstanding examples. Ernie is really doing a good job, I am impressed by his agility. I am also very worried about our Colorado pals, Mommy is praying for them, its so sad.
Well back to training
Loveys Sasha
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