Now THESE are MINI Us...

AND... so are THESE...

Here is the picture that Ernie sent to our dear Dear Furend Rubie the Min. Sch. down in OZ.. fur her Birfday Pawty contest thingy...

And this is the one that I (Frankie Furter) sent along. Now if you don't know about the Pawty thingy... go to our beloved...
Blogville Calendar of Events that Sarge keeps up fur us. AND be SURE to be Following it while you are there.

Look... it is a MINI Frankie and Ernie... Flash Mob!!

Tomorrow... I will show you some MINI BLOOPER pics.
Your minis and maxi-minis are very nice. They look like they like to have fun too.
Hope you and Sarge are having a grand time.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
These minis are so cute, but not as cute as the real yous!!!
You are good looking dogs, and to have toys made to resemble you is a tribute of worthiness. PLUS you get to play with them. WHOPEE!!!!
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
You and Ernie look great with your look-a-likes! Happy Earth Day!
Hey F-n-E!
Wow, love the Flash Mob!! Rubie's event is going to be so much fun!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
How cool! I have blooper pictures ready for this week too!
You boys look so cute with your mini me's. Oh heck you boys look cute all the time. Good luck in the contest.
Just too cute! Flash mob??? Dext (that's Dog Texting) the next time and the Sibes will be right there to join you!
The mini's are cute. But not as handsome as the real dogs. Can't wait for bloopers.
How sweet are those!!! You are very fancy to have replicas made of you!!!
Flash Mob WOW. Is your flash mob going to sing or dance or just sit around.
Sweet William The Scot
Benny & Lily
I didn't think there could be a dog smaller than you.
Super (?) Mini Yous!!!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Frankie and Erine,
How lucky you are to have three dimensional 'mini-me's. I am participating in Rubie's birthday contest too, but we could only find a calendar photo to represent a lookalike.
Toodle pip!
Great likenesses. SHE still hasn't taken our photos...boy, talk about slack!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Mr Frankie that was some seriously cute photos. Mum has to organise our photos too. Guess what? Yesterday we saw a minature dachshund at dog school. Yes for real, in the flesh. We didn't even know there was minature sort of you guys. We will try and get a photo for you next week. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
The mini E and F are ALMOST as cute as the real deal. :)
Those is some pawsome mini-yous. I hope they dussn't get lost they is so little. They has collahs and ID on?
It's nice to have your own minis, but Whoa! When we were disappeared by our evil Blog Mom there was no Ernie. This is most totally thrilling and what a wonderful role model he gets to grow up with. Go you guys!
Those minis are almost as cute as the real things!
Dachshund Nola
OMD you both look so cute with your minis I can't stand it!! I hear those flash mobs are kind of cool, does yours sing or dance or just poop?
Loveys Sasha
awwwwwwwww - the mini-you's are adorable, Frankie and Ernie!
Love ya lots,
Cute but we like the real Frankie & Ernie bestest.
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