HEY.... do you know POSIE ???? If Not... you can Click her name and get introduced. She is havin a GRRRREAT competition where you send her pics of YOU enjoying your FAVORITE Sweet treat.
I hope that you will enter. It is gonna be a LOT of fun.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I heard yesterday afternoon that sweet April made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge. I know that she is Over THERE with our other furends running Free and Fast and Feeling Fine.
Now that I am back home and stuffs I wanted to do a Moment of Silence fur two Other of our dear furends who crossed the Bridge. Ginger and MeeMoo You will be Missed.
I am thinkin of you and your peeps and packs... ( SILENCE ) .
Right now, Muffin and I will share in your moment of silence....................
Run free at the Bridge!
Lily Belle
I join you in a moment of silence for our many friends lost ...
Your pal, Pip
We're having a moment of silence too.
Many prayers for our furiends and families who have watched them travel to the Rainbow Bridge. You are so sweet to post updates and pawsitive thought requests for all of Blogville. It's why you are such a good mayor, Frankie.
As for my garden, we started back at the first of March planting some things.. then more at the beginning of April. We've had really mild days and nights... just perfect for our plants.
Right now we have (above ground and thriving): Lettuces (Red, butter, and romaine), onions, leeks, loads of herbs, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, corn (just made an appearance Monday), beets... even the asparagus we planted last year is working its way up to start growing. We just planted some tomatoes and pepper plants... and we just dug holes (Milo and Dixie helped) for beans. I have a few more tomatoes and beans to plant in a week or so, and some flowers around the beds so the bugs will be distracted from the new plants. But there is only so much time in the day to get things done.
We are just patiently waiting for the harvest... canning jars, rings, etc are ready, root cellar is cleaned out... like I said, we might be contacting you cause my canning skills are a bit rusty.:)
Rainbows make me sad and hopeful at the same time. I have a lot of friends on that bridge.
We will miss our friends.
Sweet William The Scot
Its so sad but I know Fred will show them the ropes up there.
We will take a moment of silence as well.
RIP friends.
Mack, Mario and I are joining you in a moment of silence. So many of our furends have gone over the Bridge lately. We know they are running free and happy in that special place, though, they will be missed terribly here on earth.
Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario
It is always so hard to loose so many in such a short time.
Sorry, I was suppose to be silent.
We will take a momment of silence in honor of our fur-ends. We hate to see them go but there is a pretty good group up there to show them around. Thanks for letting us know. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Lovely post. So many wonderful furrends have crossed recently. Bless them all..and their families
Seems to be a very sad day around here.
Hoping we get some good news about Not-Nick my future foster brother. Not sure we can take all this sadness in one day.
Very sad to be losing so many good friends, but we have to be happy that so many of our great pals are getting reunited across the bridge. Soft woos and gentle hugs to all their families.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
So many losses - so very sad.
What a beautiful post, though. The double rainbow is amazing!
We share your moment. Run fast, run free our furry pals.....until we meet at the bridge.
I was so sad to hear that April went to the Rainbow Bridge. Your photos were lovely. I know April will be missed but will also be remembered in our thoughts and kept close to us in our heart.
I join you in silence. Run free friends, run free
It is always sad when others pass but we will see them again someday!!
Beautiful pictures Frankie. For happier, healthier times on the other side of the bridge.
You always seem to have your paw on the pulse of what's happening. Thanks for keeping us informed. We went to visit April's folks.
BabyRD & Hootie
Run free my pals, it is a sad day but also happy because there is no more pain for our sweet sweet pals.
Anne and Sasha
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
It is always hard to say goodbye to friends....
Too many of our friends are going to the Bridge.
Love ya lots,
Beautiful rainbow pix.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your furiends. I agree with Mitch, too many of our furiends are going to the bridge.
So sad..so many running to the Bridge. There must be a great big party up there right now!
I'll join you in a moment of silence......
a moment of silence for our furiends.........
we know the feeling as mumster's cousin and dadster's brother also crossed and we KNOW they are playing with ALL our furiends
coco and tiffy
Hey Frankie & Ernie,
..................Amen. So many of our frinds leaving us. It is just too sad.
Sniff ya later....Weemie
I'm joining you in your moment of silence, also.
Too many friends have gone lately.
I'll go meet Posie.
Nubbin wiggles,
Sending healing vibes to every buddy's family's
Benny & Lily
We'll join you in your silence. A sad time in blogville ...............
Love Stella and Rory
It's been a sad stretch of time lately. April is happy and free now, that's what counts.
*Sigh* So sad. :(
Woofs & huggies, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Too many friends going to the bridge. :(
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