Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ernie.. and ....

My Ernie has gone off to have his BIG BOY ... TUTORING and have his Dew Claws Removed and his Puppy K-9 Incisors removed. I am very VERY much Worried about him. He is no longer a TINY Little Puppy... BUTT he is still so young and I know he will be Scared and stuffs. Mom Did take his favorite Blanket thingy for him to cuddle with.. butt you know... he doesn't Have ME and I suppose that will be the Worst of all of this. I went with him.. as far as "THEY" would let me go. I WANTED to stay right there and wait fur him... butt "THEY" said I needed to come home and wait and that "THEY" would take care of him. I just felt like a Traitor fur doing this to him. {{WHINE}}
They are also gonna check on the "Bump" under Ernie's Left front Leg... and give him his Rabies Shot. Oh the poor little guy.

Soooooo since it is a 30 mile trip.. one way... and I have to Take him this morning and go Back fur him later... I might not be around much.
PeeS... guess what? My mom and dad.. who NEVER throw ANYTHINGY away... got MY Cone of Shame out.. Mom Washed it and I am gonna let MY Little ERNIE Wear it... Maybe that will make him feel a little better... knowing that I have been through this myself. I hope so anyway.
PeePeeS.... guess WHAT??? I just got word that LUCY... has taken on a NEW VENTURE... In Addition to her Avon Pawducts... she is now going to be available fur.... PAWTIES... as LUCY the Donkey DJ and Karaoke... and.... I went ahead and BOOKED her for her Debut Pawformance... for our Valentine's Day Pawty... She will be puttin out the tunes... between PawsBang Sets!!! YEA!!!!!!
NON STOP MUSIC and Singin and Dancin....


3 doxies said...

Oh POOR POOR little Ernie, I knows ya'll is all frazzled over theres. Oh my, I can't even imagine. Frankie, I knows you is freakin' out...right along withs your mom but trust me, he will be just fine cuz you has raised him all up to be da mighty doxie he is.
It's kinda sad to sees him growin' up so fast.

I can't wait to sees Lucy as a DJ. If dis be karaokke does dat mean I might gets to sing "Rain Drops"?


HH and The Boys said...

Sending lots of purrs to Ernie today and sending some to you too Frankie, cuz I know you aren't gonna feel too great until you know that Ernie is okay.

pawhugs, Max

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Frankie. Our little friend Monday just had what they do to little girls. She don't like th cone at all.


Just Jess for now said...

We'll be thinking about Ernie. Poor little guy, but he's a Dachshund. They're tough. :)
We're looking forward to Lucy's musical talent.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Frank
We will be thinking good thoughts for your little Ernie today. He will not remember a thing, he is just going to have a nice long sleep.
Love and hugs.
Ruby & Penny
Pees - give him a kiss from us, when he gets home

Minnie and Mack said...

We send puggie juju Ernie's way today for his "trip" to the vet. Give him lots of hugs and kisses when he gets home.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Frankie, oh poor little Ernie goin' through all that scary stuffs at the v-e-t-s ........ still he will be all better for it in no time. All those needles.....eeeiiikkk!

Dex has asked me to the ball and I've ordered my dress over the net..... paws crossed it will be pretty like the pikchurs!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Awwww poor likkle Ernie, butts as wee knows well us lefts at home worries more den da ones havins da 'fings' done do. Wee finks no strikes dat wee knows Ernie will bee jus fine him has yoo to takes care ovs him afta as well so him is veri lucky indeed !
WOW Lucy sure nuff is multi talented isn't she ? Carry-O-Key sounds funs wee hads betta gets some practice in tho...

Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx

Bassetmomma said...

Porr Ernie. Don't worry Frankie, he'll be home soon and all will be right with the world again! That sure is nice of you to let him use your cone of shame!LOL!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Paws crossed for Ernie - we hope all goes well, poor little guy is having a lot done:( Safe travels both ways too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

Hey Frankie!
Wow, your little Ernie is growing up fast! I'm sending a ton of my super-special healing vibes so he recovers ultrafast. I know you've been helping him build up his strength with all that playing, so he'll be fine. BTW: Sympathetic as we all are...we still want PIX OF THE CONE OF SHAME! BOL. Lucy will be a hoofsome DJ!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD, Ernie be getting it from both ends! I is sure he will be fine, Frankie, and he will be needing your comforts when he gets home. Tutoring is a good thing coz it be keeping him from trying to swipey your wives (and all udder wimmen) when he gets a little older.

The Daily Pip said...

Poor little Ernie! I just know he will be fine and wear that cone of shame with pride. I am sending lots of good thoughts that everything goes well - I know it will!

Lucy is quite a gal. I am thinking of signing her up as my personal trainer.

Your pal, Pip

Finn said...

Poor Ernie! I am sure he will be okay and you will be waiting for him right when he gets home!

GOOSE said...

He is getting to such a big boy. Nice of you to let him use the cone of shame. I'm sure it will make him feel better when he sniffs you went through this and you are just fine.
I am one blessed dog, I never had to use the cone of shame. I hear about it and I have seen one, but I've never wore one.
Take care of him when he gets home.

Unknown said...

Poor little Ernie.......He is gonna feel like a Doxin Pincushion when today is over with!!

We will be thinking of hims all day.....and sending lots of healing hugs via da internets!!!!

PeeS.....we cant believe you allowed her to KEEP your old cone! That should have been #1 on your search and destroy list!

Unknown said...

Lucy here.......

Thanks for the Shout-out on my new venture! I love free publicity. I will be sure to include a FREE sample of my newest boydawg cologne with your next order, as a little thankyou.

Road Dog Tales said...

We think Ernie will be wanting some extra special TREATS after all that! Give him some hugs from us!

The Road Dogs

rottrover said...

Our paws are crossed that Ernie comes through this with flying colors!!

-Bart and Ruby

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh poor wittle Ernie. He'll be so hap-pee to get back home and back into your lovin' paws again. He might be madd at you for lettin all dis happen to hims. But he'll be forgiving. You takes good cares of him.

Can't wait to watch da entertainments at the pawty.

Millie and Walter said...

Nina will keep her paws crossed for Ernie today. I am sure everything will be just fine. Give him a hug for me.


Anonymous said...

Awwww...I almost feel sorrier for you, Frankie, than I do for Ernie. He's gonna sleep through it all but you'll be awake and worrying. I'm crossing my paws for him but I know he's gonna be JUST FINE. Gosh, I can't believe it's already time for him to have his Big Boy Surgery. He's growing up so fast.

Wiggles & Wags,

Remington said...

Ernie is in our thoughts and prayers....

Duke said...

We're sending Ernie lots of AireZen!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Bpxer puppy prayers is on da way fur Ernie!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Douglas said...

Good luck Ernie! Paws crossed for a speedy recovery!


Scrappy Angel said...

Oh poor Ernie. Will be a long day for everybody there! SO nice of you to share the cone....i have one of those hidden away in the's rough at first and peeps sometimes laugh at us when we have to wear it, but sometimes a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do. Take Care of him and give him extra snuggles when he gets home later.

Jo's World said...

I am sending very best wishes to that adorable little Ernie. He will get over all this pretty fast, don't you think, Mr. Mayor?

I hope he doesn't fight the cone too much.

Please come and visit our new blog at

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Sheltie Times said...

Poor Ernie, at least he has you to take care of him when he gets back.

Anonymous said...

We're sending prayers and luvs and smoochy-faces to Mr. Puppy Ernie for a super quick recovery and feeling even better than his regular self when all is done! Smoochy-faces to you too, Mr. Frankie. He will be in good paws with you taking care of him!

Will Miss Lucy play all kinds of moosics when she is DJ? I am parshul to bluegrass moosics, myself!



Erin said...

OMD I do hope he will be oke soon!

Anonymous said...

OMD that is so fury many things that Ernie is gettin takin care of!

I gots my paws crossed that all will be well.

woos, Tessa

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh My Dog, Mr Frankie, we have just read your post and are sending Little Ernie all our love and smooches. We are POSITIVE he will be fine and in a few days will be chewing on your ear just like usual!!

These silly old lumps are a bloomin nuisance. Remember Stella had one on her neck and it was taken off easy peasy. Goodbye lump and don't come back! Rory sends healing slobber so when Little Ernie comes home just rub some into his skin and he will be right as rain. No worries and love, Stella and Rory

Two French Bulldogs said...

all our paws are crossed for all that big boy stuff
Benny & Lily

A MilShelb Mom said...

Poor Ernie!
~Milly and Shelby

Raymond and Busby said...

Hey, we are purring and purring for Ernie. We just know everything is going to be okay. XO