Do you see THIS??? YEP.... you are RIGHT...THOSE are Santa Paws LIGHTS...
THIS is my dad and ME (Frankie Furter) and ... we really and truly did put up the lights YESTERDAY!!! Go AHEAD..... LAFF ALL YOU WANT...
See my sister Lori comes here fur Thanksgiving.. Which is in November... and then... beclaws of how far away she lives... and all the BAD SNOW that SHE gets... we don't get to see her again until SPRING... SIGH... SOOOOOOOOOO her husband brings all his Hunting stuffs and he and my dad and all of dad's buddies... HUNT fur DAYS and DAYS... and in between the Huntin stuffs... and the Eating of Thanks Mr. Turkey.. you were delicious... WE have our CHRISTMAS.
SOOOOOOOO in MY house on My hill we have come to call that wonderful week...
THANKSdeerMAS.... Yep... ThanksDEERmas.
And fur those of you who are NEW to my Hill... that is the time that all (ALL) the SNOWMEN come out... EVERYWHERE in my HOUSE and even my YARD. And on the 24th. of NOVEMBER.... the Christmas (Santa Paws) lights get turned on fur the first time... and the CHRISTMAS TREE lights go on too!!!
SOOOOOOOOOO Now you are thinkin... WHY do the outside lights Have to go Up THIS EARLY... Thanksdeermas is over a MONTH away... WELL, my mom has to get us movin on this... beclaws... Ol' Sure Shot... gets his mind set on deer huntin and POOF... he does NOT want to miss a day of NO RAIN.. in the woods.
Mom is kinda sneaky about this puttin up the lights thingy... She watches the weather and finds a day where it is NOT POURING rain... butt is still TOO wet fur the hunting thingy... and then she ANNOUNCES.... "OK< BOYs..... I just had a BRIGHT idea." And we both go SIGH.... and get movin. We aren't stoooopid... THAT woman.. Controls the KITCHEN.
Soooooo there you have it... the LIGHTS are up... like 87 days EARLY... butt now WE guys won't be havin to listen to HER whine and whimper.
OF COURSE... you will all be listenin to ME whine and whimper about those stooopid Snowmen... SOONER than I would like. Butt... you all can enjoy your day of LAFFIN at me... and I (Frankie Furter) will be laffin at YOU when I start makin YOU look at them EVERY DAY. BAAAAAWAAAAAAH..
Hi Frankie buddy!! Our Momster is very impressed with your Mom's organisational skills, what a clever lady, well all women are all are aren't they? (Hey you'd better only be typing what we tall you Momster!)We can see you were a great help at the untangling - supervisory skills are the hardest to get right after all ;-) Hope your Dad gets to enjoy some hunting soon, we're sure you be there ready to welcome him back and supervisr the cooking! Bye for now, dex and Lou xxx
Hello Frankie!
You sure got lots of order in your household. We can sense that you will be so busy in the next coming weeks and it's better to be prepared. Those Santa Paws light will definitely make your home very festive. Make any day a celebration as Piappies Mom would say.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai, Forgie (and Tabby)
Hi Frank
In Thunder Bay, we put up our XMAs lights early too. It's to cold to do it later.
We can't wait to see the Snowmen.
Love ya
Ruby & Penny
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I'm not laughing, I promise! Well, I might be snickering just a little bit. I think Mamaw has this just right...I've seen the hunting mode and know what it's like. BTW: I can't wait to see all of the beloved SNOWMEN!! Woohooooo
Grr and a Chuckling Woof,
Sarge, COP
When you are done with your lights, Frankie, can you bring your pawrents here to do ours? The Momster is making vibes about no outside lights this year.
Good going on the decorating,now bring on the snow.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Fwankie....ever since last year, every time mee sees a snowperson, mee has to tink of you!
Mee woods neva laff at yoo Mr Mayor, mee finks yor mom is awesome to bee able to gets da menfolk movin likes her does
We think these pretty lights can never be up soon enough. We are gonna look forward to seeing them twinkling away :)xx
That is pretty smart, Frankie - getting the lights up BEFORE it's all cold and snowy! We're always amazed at how ingenious your Mom is. It's doesn't matter if she's 'betired', she still packs a LOT in a day!
The Road Dogs
Wow, that is really impressive! We always try to be the first on our block with the lights, but you definitely have us all beat!
Oh Mr. Frankie - we look forward for your mom and her snowmen! I think its awesome what your mom does and is on the ball with Christmas. I wish we could combine Tday and Christmas together, sounds like a lot less work!
Ut oh, already! We still think you should make mom happy and be a snowman for Halloween, BOL
Benny & Lily
We do that too. Better than trying to do it in below zero temps with the snow and wind blowing!
Wowee, Frankie! Your mom sure is smart and knows how to get things done around there. I'm super impressed that those lights are already up since MY mom is just now thinking about maybe PAWSIBLY gettin' the Howl-o-ween stuffs out.
Maybe your mom could give my mom tips about gettin' stuff done early.
Wiggles & Wags,
Your Mom sounds super smart to us, Frankie:-)
Oh my mom just LOVES CHRISTMAS.. she went in Hobby Lobby yesterday where they had wonderful Christmas merchandise all marked 40% off. Dad's lucky she came out without anything.She could've gotten pretty crzy in there!!
Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack
Years ago, I had a new neighbor move in. He put up his Christmas lights in the middle of the summer, about 2 weeks after he moved in. He said that way he could avoid the nasty weather. He just left them up year round. So I'm not laughing at you, Frankie, but I did laugh at my neighbor.
You sure did get great pressies! Dat quilt is pawsome!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Those are some pretty special presents that you got in the mail!
What is this about your Christmas lights going up befur Howl-o-Ween....We are barkless...heehee.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Can't wait to see a picture of your house with all the lights all lit up. :)
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