Hey... these thingys are what the AMISH make with their WHEAT... my mom calls them Hobbit Houses... I wish you could see all the fields when they are full of these. There are miles and miles of them. Harvest time.
Well my furends... if you have NOT been around to see some of the COOL and EXCITING posts fur Blogville's Furst EVER SAFETY WEEK .... you just do NOT know WHAT you are missing!!! To make sure that you don't miss a single thingy just go to
SARGE's Place and he will DIRECT you to everythingy. AND..... KITTIES... Listen up... YOU are gonna FAINT when you see the TRANSPORTATION that the Road Dogs have JUST FUR YOU.
THIS is gonna be a GRRRRREAT week... and just to help keep your strength up... there will be refreshing drinks on the transportation vehicles and... don't furget Jazzi's TACO eatin thingy on the 4th.. I'm just sayin...
This post was .... Paid fur by the committee to re-elect Frankie Furter ... Mayor of Blogville.
They look like good fun!
I wonder if the amish people will mind if we play with their sticks! :D
Thanks for the great work Frankie! I love safety week so far!
I hope everydoggy is really paying attention during safety week-I know I am!!
You know you have our vote, Frankie!
Those hobbit houses look like they could become great hiding places for the evil tree rats. Or maybe even bunnies.
Happy Sunday.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey Frankie!
Wow, I love those hobbit houses... I bet they'd be fun to play in and around! Thanks for getting the bark out about Safety Week! It's a blast.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
TO: Sally ANN and ANDY.... YES!!! We would LOVE fur you to do a post about Library Book Safety!!!
PLEASE DO!!!! I agree that they can sometimes be a bit Dangerous...
Hobbit Houses-ha! They do look really beautiful all lined up, though.
Great work on safety week, Frankie!
bet we could help those Amish peoples
Benny & Lily
I need to be more safety-conscious, the LOTH says, because I have no road sense and she says it's a good job I stay on my lead when we are out.
Love and licks, Winnie
Those hobbit houses are so cute! And is that your new fall flag, Frankie? Adorable! Wow! You and your peeps have been as busy as beavers with that wood splitting! Safety Week is super fun and informative and we don't think we've left anybody standing on the curb without a ride :)
Hope you got to rest a little today from all that hard work!
The Road Dogs
Hey Frankie,
We been visiting blogs to make aure we don't miss a thing during safety week. Guess what? Mommy did a home visit on Tuesday and the lady had a bunch freshly canned fruits and vegtables stacked o9nn her tables. Mommyn told her about your Mom canning stuff too and she said she loves canning.
Mommy is taking Tutti, the puppy she approved for her to adopt tomorrow and she told Moimmy she would pack a basket of goodies for her. Mommy told her it wasn't necessary but she sure didn't turn it down.
{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie
They do look like hobbit houses. We're getting ready for Taco Day--can't wait.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Hi Mr Frankie, this week is so exciting. We hope to learn 87 sorts of new stuff. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Mee's been around to all da safety postees. Oh, and mee has asked Road Dogs for a padded bus jus' for mee.....cause mee be known as da ..... BLOGVILLE KLUTZ!
Frankie, you gotta check out this article.....
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Oh yea, hobbit houses and Safety Week, who could ask for anything more! Not me!
woos, Tessa
Oh yea,
A Vote for Frankie is a vote for Blogville!
There's been so much happening in blogger land it's hard to keep up!
Just imagine the fun times we could have playing hide and seek in those hobbit houses..it will be a vewy busy week
if you need help in youw weelection committee just call me cause you'we THE man Fwankie
smoochie kisses
I have already learned SO MUCH and feel safer already! Of course, you know you have my vote (and maybe more than one since you know I am from Chicago and all).
Your pal, Pip
I haven't been able to check everyone's links but am slowly making my way around. I've learned so much this weekend!
Whoa, Frankie, I has sum ketchup to do. I has missed a lot of the safety week thingies so whenefur mom lets me has the pooter when she takes a brake from werk, I is sniffing around fur safety week stuffs.
You always have such interesting things for us to do! You make Blogville such an exciting place! :D
Always so much fun happening around Blogville, glad you and Sarge keep us on our toes.
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